在Cortex™-M3 Technical Reference Manual中的P166关于中断的分组如下:
PRIGROUP Split of pre-emption priority from subpriority
0 7.1 indicates seven bits of pre-emption priority, one bit of subpriority
1 6.2 indicates six bits of pre-emption priority, two bits of subpriority
2 5.3 indicates five bits of pre-emption priority, three bits of subpriority
3 4.4 indicates four bits of pre-emption priority, four bits of subpriority
4 3.5 indicates three bits of pre-emption priority, five bits of subpriority
5 2.6 indicates two bits of pre-emption priority, six bits of subpriority
6 1.7 indicates one bit of pre-emption priority, seven bits of subpriority
7 0.8 indicates no pre-emption priority, eight bits of subpriority.
在PM0056 Programming manual STM32F10xxx/20xxx/21xxx/L1xxxx
Cortex®-M3 programming manual中的P135对中断的分组如下
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