
2019-07-21 02:27发布

读写OTP区域,按照中文手册先写00到BLOCK0的LOCK位,再写BLOCK 读LOCK位发现已经成功清0,但是读BLOCK发现没能成功写入,读到全F,追踪代码 写入OTP数据后 FLASH->SR 的FLASH_FLAG_WRPERRbit为1 ,即写保护   请教下: 1,为何写保护?   查看手册,写保护原因以下 [mw_shl_code=c,true]If a program operation is requested, the WRPERR bit is set when: ? A write operation is performed on system memory or on the reserved part of the user specific sector. ? A write operation is performed to the user configuration sector ? A write operation is performed on a sector write protected by option bit. ? A write operation is requested on an OTP area which is already locked ? The Flash memory is read protected and an intrusion is detected.[/mw_shl_code] 第一/二/三条不符合, 第四条我已经清0。第五条不太明白,但是我可以写LOCK位,不能写OTP BLOCK,似乎也不像是这原因。
代码如下 [mw_shl_code=c,true]#define OTP_BLOCK_BASE 0x1FFF7800 #define OTP_LOCK_BASE 0x1FFF7A00 STMFLASH_Write(OTP_LOCK_BASE,0x00000000,1); STMFLASH_Write(OTP_BLOCK_BASE,0x1a2b3f4d,1);// 没写成功 STMFLASH_Read(OTP_LOCK_BASE,(u32*)datatemp,1);//读到0 之前读是0xffffffff说明成功了 STMFLASH_Read(OTP_BLOCK_BASE,(u32*)datatemp,1);//一直是0xffffffff SR的写保护有问题 [/mw_shl_code]
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