
2019-07-21 05:22发布

STM32F302CB参数  描述

STM32F302xx/STM32F303xx家庭为基础的高性能ARM?的Cortex?-M4的32位RISC核心操作系统到72 MHz的频率最多,并嵌入一个浮点单元(FPU),内存保护单元(MPU)和嵌入式跟踪宏单元(ETM)。该系列采用高速嵌入式记忆体(高达256 KB的快闪记忆体,最多到48千字节的SRAM),以及增强的广泛的I / O和外设连接到两条APB总线。 该器件可提供高达四快12位ADC(5 MSPS),多达7个比较器,四个运算放大器,两个DAC通道,低功耗RTC,多达5个通用16位定时器,一个通用32位定时器,两个定时器专用电机控制。他们还配备了标准和先进的通信接口:  主要特点

  • ARM的32位Cortex?-M4 CPU(72 MHz最大),单周期乘法和硬件除法,DSP指令与FPU(浮点运算单元)和MPU(存储器保护单元)。
  • 工作条件:
    • 至五DD,五多哈发展议程的电压范围:2.0 V至3.6 V
  • 回忆
    • 128至256 KB的快闪记忆体
    • 高达40的SRAM数据总线上与硬件校验
    • 8字节SRAM的指令总线与硬件校验器(CCM)
  • 时钟管理
    • 4至32 MHz的晶体振荡器
    • 32带校准的32kHz RTC振荡器
    • 内部的8 MHz RC×16的PLL选项
    • 内部40 kHz振荡器
  • 日历RTC
    • 接警后,定期唤醒从停止/待机
  • 复位和电源管理
    • Power-on/Power掉电复位(POR / PDR)
    • 可编程电压监测器(PVD)
  • 停止,低功耗的睡眠和待机模式
  • 至五英美烟草公司为RTC和后备寄存器供应
  • 调试模式:串行线调试(SWD),JTAG接口,Cortex-M4的技术手册
  • DMA的
    • 12通道的DMA控制器
    • 支持的外设:定时器,模数转换器,SPI接口,我2个USART和DAC
  • 高达4×ADC 0.20微秒(最多39通道可选分辨率12/10/8/6位,转换范围0至3.6 V,从2至3.6 V模拟电源分开)
  • 温度传感器
  • 7快速轨到轨的模拟比较器
  • 高达2×12位DAC通道
  • 在PGA模式,可以使用4个运算放大器,所有终端访问
  • 支持多达24电容式感应键
  • 87快速I / O端口,所有的外部中断向量制图,几可承受5V电压
  • 13定时器
    • 1个32位定时器和2个16位定时器4的IC / OC / PWM或??脉冲计数器和正交(增量)编码器输入
    • 高达2×16位6通道高级控制定时器,多达6个PWM通道,死区时间生成和紧急停止
    • 1个16位定时器2的IC / OCN的业主立案法团,1 / PWM,死区时间生成和紧急停止
    • 2 x 16位定时器的IC / OC / OCN的/ PWM死区时间生成和急停
    • 2个看门狗定时器(独立,窗)
    • 1个系统时间定时器:24位递减计数器
    • 高达2 x 16位的基本定时器驱动DAC
  • 通讯接口
    • CAN接口(2.0B主动)
    • USB 2.0全速接口
    • 20毫安的电流接收器,以支持快速模式加上2个I2C
    • 截至5的USART / UART接口(ISO 7816接口,林,红外,调制解调器控制)
    • 截至3的SPI,2多路复用全双工I2S的实现通过外部PLL音频类精度
  • CRC计算单位,96位唯一的ID
翻译的不是很正确!把英文的也发给大家把 Key Features

  • ARM 32-bit Cortex?-M4 CPU (72 MHz max) , single-cycle multiplication and HW division, DSP instruction with FPU (floating-point unit) and MPU (memory protection unit).
  • Operating conditions:
    • VDD, VDDAvoltage range: 2.0 V to 3.6 V
  • Memories
    • 128 to 256 Kbytes of Flash memory
    • Up to 40 Kbytes of SRAM on data bus with HW parity check
    • 8 Kbytes of SRAM on instruction bus with HW parity check (CCM)
  • Clock management
    • 4 to 32 MHz crystal oscillator
    • 32 kHz oscillator for RTC with calibration
    • Internal 8 MHz RC with x 16 PLL option
    • Internal 40 kHz oscillator
  • Calendar RTC
    • Alarm, periodic wakeup from Stop/Standby
  • Reset and supply management
    • Power-on/Power down reset (POR/PDR)
    • Programmable voltage detector (PVD)
  • Low power Sleep, Stop, and Standby modes
  • VBAT supply for RTC and backup registers
  • Debug mode: serial wire debug (SWD), JTAG interfaces, Cortex-M4 ETM
  • DMA
    • 12-channel DMA controller
    • Peripherals supported: timers, ADCs, SPIs, I2Cs, USARTs and DACs
  • Up to 4 × ADC 0.20 μS (up to 39 channels) with selectable resolution of 12/10/8/6 bits, 0 to 3.6 V conversion range, separate analog supply from 2 to 3.6 V
  • Temperature sensor
  • 7 fast rail-to-rail analog comparators
  • Up to 2 x 12-bit DAC channels
  • Up to 4 operational amplifiers that can be used in PGA mode, all terminal accessible
  • Support for up to 24 capacitive sensing keys
  • Up to 87 fast I/O ports, all mappable on external interrupt vectors, several 5 V-tolerant
  • Up to 13 timers
    • 1 x 32-bit timer and 2 x 16-bit timers with up to 4 IC/OC/PWM or pulse counter and quadrature (incremental) encoder input
    • Up to 2 x 16-bit 6-channel advanced-control timers, with up to 6 PWM channels, deadtime generation and emergency stop
    • 1 x 16-bit timer with 2 IC/OCs, 1 OCN/PWM, deadtime generation and emergency stop
    • 2 x 16-bit timers with IC/OC/OCN/PWM, deadtime generation and emergency stop
    • 2 x watchdog timers (independent, window)
    • 1 x SysTick timer: 24-bit downcounter
    • Up to 2 x 16-bit basic timers to drive the DAC
  • Communication interfaces
    • CAN interface (2.0B Active)
    • USB 2.0 full speed interface
    • 2 x I2C with 20 mA current sink to support Fast mode plus
    • Up to 5 USART/UARTs (ISO 7816 interface, LIN, IrDA, modem control)
    • Up to 3 SPIs, 2 with muxed full-duplex I2S to achieve audio class accuracy via external PLL
  • CRC calculation unit, 96-bit unique ID
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1楼-- · 2019-07-21 05:56
STM32 F3 选型表 
STM32F302CB/  STM32F302CC/  STM32F302RB/  STM32F302RC/  STM32F302VB/  STM32F302VC/  STM32F303CB/STM32F303CC/  STM32F303RB/  STM32F303RC/  STM32F303VB/  STM32F303VC/


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