The BTS5008-1EKB is a 8 mΩ single channel Smart High-Side Power Switch, embedded in a PG-DSO-14-47 EP,
Exposed Pad package, providing protective functions and diagnosis. The power transistor is built by an N-channel
vertical power MOSFET with charge pump. The device is integrated in Smart6 technology. It is specially designed
to drive lamps up to HIDL / H9, as well as LEDs in the harsh automotive environment.
Table 1 Product Summary
Parameter Symbol Value
Operating voltage range VS(OP) 5 V ... 28 V
Maximum supply voltage VS(LD) 41 V
Maximum ON state resistance at TJ = 150 °C RDS(ON) 16 mΩ
Nominal load current IL(NOM) 11 A
Typical current sense ratio kILIS 4400
谁说PMOS内阻大? 几十mΩ也算大??
The BTS5008-1EKB is a 8 mΩ single channel Smart High-Side Power Switch, embedded in a PG-DSO-14-47 EP,
Exposed Pad package, providing protective functions and diagnosis. The power transistor is built by an N-channel
vertical power MOSFET with charge pump. The device is integrated in Smart6 technology. It is specially designed
to drive lamps up to HIDL / H9, as well as LEDs in the harsh automotive environment.
Table 1 Product Summary
Parameter Symbol Value
Operating voltage range VS(OP) 5 V ... 28 V
Maximum supply voltage VS(LD) 41 V
Maximum ON state resistance at TJ = 150 °C RDS(ON) 16 mΩ
Nominal load current IL(NOM) 11 A
Typical current sense ratio kILIS 4400
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