2019-07-24 16:28发布
dirtwillfly 发表于 2015-11-19 17:07 没用过这个。你翻翻同系列其他器件的这个寄存器看看
xyz549040622 发表于 2015-11-20 08:06 我怎么感觉翻译的是,当CEOUT为0时,这个寄存器和tap 0寄存器的值一样。
- The voltage reference generator is used to generate VREF, which can be applied to either comparator
- input terminal. The CEREF1x (VREF1) and CEREF0x (VREF0) bits control the output of the voltage
- generator. The CERSEL bit selects the comparator terminal to which VREF is applied. If external signals
- are applied to both comparator input terminals, the internal reference generator should be turned off to
- reduce current consumption. The voltage reference generator can generate a fraction of the device V
- CC
- or
- of the voltage reference of the integrated precision voltage reference source. Vref1 is used while CEOUT
- is 1, and Vref0 is used while CEOUT is 0. This allows the generation of a hysteresis without using external
- components
复制代码说的是实现滞回功能,有点难以理解,不过不用这么高级的 功能,先不管它了.
这个tap是带的意思. 反正写的不规范,一下用ladder来表示,一下用string来表示,一下又用tap来表示,搞的都晕了.
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