PUBLICATIONAll registered papers will be published by international journal "Applied Mechanics and Materials " & World Scientific Publishing. The post conference proceedings will be included in the DOI, Google Scholar etc. and be sent to Ei Compendex for possible Indexing. AMM:所有录用的文章都将出版在国际期刊"Applied Mechanics and Materials"[ISSN:1660-9336, Trans Tech Publications]上,所有发表的文章可通过跨科技出版社平台 见附件,全文在线查询。
World Scientific通过专家审核并及时完成注册的文章将由世界科技出版社(World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd)集结出版,并由出版社提交至EI检索。 特别优秀的文章经拓展将推荐至EI/SCI期刊发表! SUBMISSION在线提交:见附件(系统自动生成文章编号)(主题包含:电子电气、制造工程等) CONTACT官网:见附件Email: 见附件TEL:13026312930
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