PLL_Config myConfig = {
0, //IAI: the PLL locks using the same process that was underway
//before the idle mode was entered
1, //IOB: If the PLL indicates a break in the phase lock,
//it switches to its bypass mode and restarts the PLL phase-locking
12, //PLL multiply value; multiply 12 times
1 //Divide by 2 PLL divide value; it can be either PLL divide value
//(when PLL is enabled), or Bypass-mode divide value
//(PLL in bypass mode, if PLL multiply value is set to 1)
/* Create and initialize an I2C initialization structure */
I2C_Setup iicInit = {
0, /* 7 bit address mode */
0, /* own address - don't care if master */
120, /* clkout value (Mhz) */
20, /* a number between 10 and 400*/
0, /* number of bits/byte to be received or transmitted (8)*/
0, /* DLB mode on*/
1 /* FREE mode of operation on*/
void main(void)
Uint16 iicBuf[3];
/* Write a data byte to I2C */
for(i = 0; i < 100; i++)
/* Read data byte from I2C */
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好奇怪的问题了。原来是发送的地址数据与实际波形就不一致!写的时候,我发送的地址是0x70,而从波形上读出的地址是0xe0(R/W = 0);读的时候应该是0X71,而实际波形上读出的是0xe1(R/W = 1).我试了发送写地址位0x50,从波形上读出的地址是0xa0.为什么会这样?
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