我的altera epcs6E22 用epcs M25p16.
我想加密我的系统, M25P16 有一个唯一的ID, 如果可以读取,我就可以加密了。
可我不知道怎么在FPGA 里读取。
datasheet 是这么说的:
Instructions M25P16
6.3 Read Identification (RDID)
The Read Identification (RDID) instruction allows to read the device identification data:
„ Manufacturer identification (1 byte)
„ Device identification (2 bytes)
„ A Unique ID code (UID) (17 bytes, of which 16 available upon customer request).
The manufacturer identification is assigned by JEDEC, and has the value 20h for Numonyx.
The device identification is assigned by the device manufacturer, and indicates the memory
type in the first byte (20h), and the memory capacity of the device in the second byte (15h).
The UID contains the length of the following data in the first byte (set to 10h), and 16 bytes
of the optional Customized Factory Data (CFD) content. The CFD bytes are read-only and
can be programmed with customers data upon their request. If the customers do not make
requests, the devices are shipped with all the CFD bytes programmed to zero (00h).
友情提示: 此问题已得到解决,问题已经关闭,关闭后问题禁止继续编辑,回答。
每个m25p16 有个唯一的id, 对id 进行des 或des3 之类的运算,这个值也是唯一的,你在电脑上也可以运算得到这个值。输入或者写在某个epcs地方,就可以全功能运行,否则就可以限制功能。
谢谢你提供这么多资料给我,我明白了什么是主动和被动配置。 我的是主动配置,没有任何其他的cpu.
只有自己配置的nios2. 我是不是要在qsys 里配置一个spi 才可以读取, 看你的文章,似乎不会冲突。
#include "sys/alt_flash.h"
#include "sys/alt_flash_dev.h"
看上去可以读写epcs 的数据。
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