ADS8354 stm32编程求解答

2019-03-23 18:31发布

ADS8354 stm32编程求解答

ADS8354、ADS7854 和ADS7254 均属于引脚兼容的双路高速同步采样模数转换器(ADC) 产品系列,支持全差分模拟输入。

每个器件均包含两个可独立编程的基准电压源,可用于系统级的增益校准。 并且配有一个可在宽电源供电范围内运行的灵活串行接口,

该系列器件支持两种低功耗模式,可针 对给定输出优化功耗。

所有器件都在扩展工业温度范围(-40°C 至 + 125°C)内完全额定运行,并且采用引脚兼容的 WQFN-16 (3mm ×3mm) 和 TSSOP-16 封装。

8.5.2 Write to User Programmable Registers
The device features three user-programmable registers: the configuration register (CFR), the REFDAC_A
register, and the REFDAC_B register. These registers can be written with the device SDI pin. The first 16 bits of
data on SDI are latched into the device on the first 16 SCLK falling edges. However, the new configuration takes
effect only when the read or write operation is validated. If these registers are not required to update, SDI must
remain low during the respective frames.
The first four SDI data bits (B[15:12]) determine what operation is performed (that is, either a read or write
operation or no operation), which register address the operation uses, and the function of the next 12 SDI data
bits (B[11:0]).
Table 4 lists the various combinations supported for B[15:12].
Table 4. Data Write Operation
B15 B14 B13 B12 OPERATION                           FUNCTION OF BITS B[11:0]
0 0 0 0 No operation is performed                      These bits are ignored
0 0 0 1 REFDAC_A read 000h;                           See the Reading User-Programmable Registers section
0 0 1 0 REFDAC_B read 000h;                           See the Reading User-Programmable Registers section
0 0 1 1 CFR read 000h;                                      See the Reading User-Programmable Registers section
1 0 0 0 CFR write                                               See the Configuration Register (CFR) section
1 0 0 1 REFDAC_A write                                     See the REFDAC_A section
1 0 1 0 REFDAC_B write                                     See the REFDAC_B section
1 0 1 1 No operation is performed                      These bits are ignored

X 1 X X No operation is performed                      These bits are ignored

第一个16个时钟下降沿SDI输出:1000 0010 0110 0000,对CFR写入,选择32位时钟模式,双通道分别输出,2倍参考电压输入范围,standby为1
第二个16个时钟下降沿SDI输出:1001 1001 1010 0000,对REFDAC_A写入,DAC输出2.25V作为参考电压。

32-CLK, Dual-SDO Mode (CFR.B11 = 0, CFR.B10 = 0, Default)




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