参考 CMISI_DAP,BlackMagic代码。
1:Host用STM32F427,跑RTEMS系统, IO口模拟SWD时序。
2:flash的操作函数,由Host通过SWD下载入target ram执行。(CMISI_DAP采用这种方式)
SWD时序基本调试通过,读写target ID/reg已经正常,暂时未经过高强度测试。。
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This documentation describe how to programming ARM Cortex M3 internal SRAM over SWD(Serial Wire Debug) interface. For this purpose, something we too know.
SWD communication protocol. We need to know Low level timing requirement, that is foundation to exchange command and data between debugger and target MCU.
Read/write data from/to internal SRAM. We need to know how to program firmware into desired address, like SRAM(0x20000000). That needs us to know SW-DAP registers usage. Pass address and data over those registers and then into internal SRAM.
Make code running from SRAM. We need to change vector table entry from internal flash to SRAM; And SP and PC also needed change to SRAM location. That need us to know the cortex M3 debug and system registers usage.
We choose Silabs SiM3U167 as target MCU in this implementation. We implement a high level protocol with python script, it calls Silabs provided DLL file interface to access Silabs USB Debug Adapter. Also, we provide a firmware running from C8051F380, it contains a full implementation on both low level communicating timing and high level programming SRAM protocol.
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2015-8-22 18:30 上传
Armstart's CMSIS-DAP firmware implementation in gcc and makefile.
- #ifndef SWD_H
- #define SWD_H
- /*
- * Abstract base class for SWD interface drivers.
- */
- #include "libs/error/error_stack.h"
- #include <stdint.h>
- /*
- * SWDDriver provides a low-level interface to SWD interface devices.
- * Each function maps directly to a SWD protocol concept. The ARM ADIv5
- * specification explains the SWD protocol in more detail; it's available
- * behind a clickwrap license on ARM's site.
- *
- * Client software should rarely interact with SWDDriver directly. Instead,
- * wrap it in another object that provides a higher-level more pleasant
- * interface with support for things like retries and named registers.
- */
- class SWDDriver {
- public:
- /*
- * Creates an instance of the driver. Because the constructor can't
- * return any meaningful error condition, implementations should only do
- * things that can't fail -- such as copying in constructor arguments
- * and initializing memory.
- */
- SWDDriver() {}
- /*
- * Destroys this driver instance. Because the destructor can't return
- * any meaningful error condition, any resource cleanup here is
- * last-resort. Clients should call the close() function to clean up
- * resources in a way that can report errors. Destructor
- * implementations may optionally log attempts to destroy a driver
- * instance without calling close(), as this indicates a programming
- * error.
- */
- virtual ~SWDDriver() {}
- /*
- * Initialize the SWD link to the target, per the "Connection and line
- * reset sequence" defined by the ARM ADI v5. This has two parts:
- * 1. 50 clocks with the SWDIO line held high by the master.
- * 2. A read of the IDCODE register in the DP.
- *
- * Because this function reads IDCODE behind the scenes, it can
- * optionally return it to the application through the pointer argument.
- *
- * If this function returns successfully, it indicates that the
- * interface is functioning, and that an attached microprocessor has
- * responded to us. The state of the target is unknown -- in
- * particular, the contents of the Debug Access Port's SELECT and
- * CTRL/STAT registers are undefined.
- *
- * Return values:
- * Err::success - initialization complete, target responded, IDCODE
- * valid.
- * Err::failure - initialization failed or target failed to respond.
- */
- virtual Err::Error initialize(uint32_t * idcode_out = 0) = 0;
- /*
- * Asserts the target's reset line continuously until a call to
- * leave_reset.
- *
- * Return values:
- * Err::success - reset asserted.
- * Err::failure - communications with interface failed.
- */
- virtual Err::Error enter_reset() = 0;
- /*
- * Deasserts the target's reset line, allowing it to run.
- *
- * Return values:
- * Err::success - reset deasserted.
- * Err::failure - communications with interface failed.
- */
- virtual Err::Error leave_reset() = 0;
- /*
- * Reads a 32-bit register from either the Debug Access Port (when
- * debug_port is true) or the Access Port bank named in the DAP's SELECT
- * register (when debug_port is false).
- *
- * Access Port reads are delayed: each read returns the result of the
- * previous operation. To kick off a read without retrieving the
- * results of the last one, pass a data pointer of zero; the result
- * won't be written. To retrieve the results of the last Access Port
- * read without starting a new one, read the Debug Access Port's RDBUFF
- * register instead.
- *
- * Note that some registers can only be accessed in particular states of
- * the CTRL/STAT register, and some registers can't be read at all.
- *
- * Refer to the ARM ADIv5 spec for more information.
- *
- * Implementation note: drivers should implement this function such that
- * it will work regardless of mode. In particular, it must not assume
- * that Overrun Detection is enabled in the DAP.
- *
- * Return values:
- * Err::success - read completed, data valid.
- * Err::try_again - target returned SWD WAIT response, read not
- * completed.
- * Err::failure - read failed, either in the interface or due to SWD
- * FAULT.
- */
- virtual Err::Error read(unsigned address,
- bool debug_port,
- uint32_t * data) = 0;
- /*
- * Writes a 32-bit value into a register in either the Debug Access Port
- * (when debug_port is true) or the Access Port bank named in the DAP's
- * SELECT register (when debug_port is false).
- *
- * Access Port writes may take time to complete. For a MEM-AP, monitor
- * the status of the TrInProg (transaction in progress) bit of the
- * Access Port's CSW register to detect when another write may be
- * issued.
- *
- * Note that some registers can only be accessed in particular states of
- * the CTRL/STAT register, and some registers can't be written at all.
- *
- * Refer to the ARM ADIv5 spec for more information.
- *
- * Implementation note: drivers should implement this function such that
- * it will work regardless of mode. In particular, it must not assume
- * that Overrun Detection is enabled in the DAP.
- *
- * Return values:
- * Err::success - write completed.
- * Err::try_again - target returned SWD WAIT response, write not
- * completed.
- * Err::failure - write failed, either in the interface or due to SWD
- * FAULT.
- */
- virtual Err::Error write(unsigned address,
- bool debug_port,
- uint32_t data) = 0;
- };
- #endif // SWD_H
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