STM32F4系列运行动态功耗是多少? uA/Hz

2019-12-16 22:34发布

本帖最后由 zhcj66 于 2018-10-30 13:33 编辑

STM32F4运行动态功耗是多少? uA/Hz

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1楼-- · 2019-12-17 03:21
本帖最后由 zhcj66 于 2018-10-31 08:08 编辑

Power efficiency: ST’s 90 nm process, ART Accelerator and the dynamic power scaling enables the current consumption in run mode and executing from Flash memory to be as low as 238 μA/MHz at 168 MHz.

Dynamic run mode: down to 49 μA/MHz (with external DC/DC) and 76 MHz (with LDO)
Ultra-low-power mode + full RAM + low power timer: 340 nA (16 wakeup lines)
Ultra-low-power mode + backup register: 230 nA (2 wakeup pins)
Wake-up time: 3.5 μs

Ultra-low-power mode: 280 nA with backup registers (3 wakeup pins)
Ultra-low-power mode + RTC: 900 nA with backup registers (3 wakeup pins)
Low-power run mode: down to 9 μA
Dynamic run mode: down to 177 μA/MHz

STM32L4 系列
Ultra-low-power mode: 8 nA with backup registers without real-time clock (5 wakeup pins)
Ultra-low-power mode + RTC: 200 nA with backup registers (5 wakeup pins)
Ultra-low-power mode + 16 Kbytes of RAM: 200 nA
Ultra-low-power mode + 16 Kbytes of RAM + RTC: 450 nA
Dynamic run mode: down to 36 μA/MHz
Wake-up time: 5 μs

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