- File Window tabs appear across the top of the main application window.
- Automatic reference highlights when you click on any identifier, showing references in the correct scope.
勾选 Options > File Type Options: Highlight references to selected symbol.
- Code Snippets - define reusable templates of code to insert, which can include auto-generated placeholder variables.
这个默认是开启的,例如你输入 for,自动完成列表,会出现 for - for loop,选择这个,就会看到效果,
至于怎么配置,去查阅手册(关键字:Code Snippets),那边有更详细的说明。
请教下tab 多窗口,自动引用高亮,代码片段模板 这些功能怎么用?
- File Window tabs appear across the top of the main application window.
- Automatic reference highlights when you click on any identifier, showing references in the correct scope.
勾选 Options > File Type Options: Highlight references to selected symbol.
- Code Snippets - define reusable templates of code to insert, which can include auto-generated placeholder variables.
这个默认是开启的,例如你输入 for,自动完成列表,会出现 for - for loop,选择这个,就会看到效果,
至于怎么配置,去查阅手册(关键字:Code Snippets),那边有更详细的说明。
谢谢!再次请教下怎么设置下可以让工程下面所有文件都是System Default (Windows ANSI) 字体 。我现在是比如:main.c 先把了后中文注释可以正常显示 ,其它文件还是一样?
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