资源占用多小本在 .map 文档内已有,但编译后在 IDE 内见不到。
可以在 "Project Settings" 下的 "Post-Build" 内加入以下指令,把资料从 .map 文档内取出,在编译后立刻知道。
- findstr /C:"segment .text" /C:"segment .const" $(OutputPath)$(TargetSName).map
- findstr /C:"segment .data" /C:"segment .bss" /C:"segment .eeprom" $(OutputPath)$(TargetSName).map
所占用的 Flash Bytes 是 .const + .text 的和,SRAM 资源占用是 .bss + .data,使用多小 eeprom 也有了,是否很方便?
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2015-2-3 12:47 上传
>>How do you guys like the Cosmic and Raisonance C compilers?
Don't know about Raisonance Compiler. But from March this year, Cosmic is offering free one year(renewable) license for its STM8 compiler and up to 32K STM32 compiler so why not try it first than to pay lots of money for the others. See image below:
STM8 free tools with no limits
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2016-7-25 15:06 上传
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