Keil C51 V951更新了

2020-01-23 14:41发布
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1楼-- · 2020-01-25 07:07
What's New in C51 Version 9.51

    [New Supported Devices]
        Silicon Laboratories Inc.
        C8051F370, C8051F371, C8051F374, C8051F375, C8051F390, C8051F391, C8051F392, C8051F393, C8051F394, C8051F395, C8051F396,
        C8051F397, C8051F398, C8051F399, C8051T620, C8051T621, C8051T622, C8051T623, C8051T626, and C8051T627.
    [C51 Compiler]
        Corrected: calculation of negative constants within nested calls may create incorrect results (this problem was introduced in C51 V9.50a). For example:

        #define TDO  5
        #define GET_TDO()   (Arr[TDO])

        unsigned char xdata Arr[10];

        unsigned char TestTDO() {
          unsigned char ret;
          ret = (unsigned char)(((GET_TDO()-1)*2)-1);   // Incorrect result. For the negative constant a subtraction has been used instead of an addition.
          return ret;

        Corrected: incorrect pointer arithmetic with subtract of unsigned int variables for XDATA arrays with sizeof < 256 bytes. For example:

        unsigned char xdata b[256];  /* Problem does not exist when array size > 256  */
        void xdata *p;
        unsigned int i = 256;        /* Problem only appears for unsigned int variables */

        void main (void)  {
          p = &b[256-i];             /* Works no problem when array index is used */
          p = b + 256 - i;           /* Failed on pointer arithmetic when uint variable is subtracted */

    [LX51 Linker/Locater]
        Corrected: a potential DPTR corruption which may occurs in code-banking applications when Global Register Coloring is enabled.
        This C51 release comes with µVision V4.60.6.8.
        Enhanced: the Logic Analyzer allows rearranging signals through a simple drag&drop of the signal name. Signals can be scaled in width and height.
        Corrected: under certain circumstances the Source Browser incorrectly reported several definitions of an "enum".
        Refer to Revision History for a complete list.
2楼-- · 2020-01-25 07:21
3楼-- · 2020-01-25 08:34
文件的 MD5

MD5: 78e23f08646683fb510248f9a1d4cb8d
4楼-- · 2020-01-25 13:32
5楼-- · 2020-01-25 19:13
 精彩回答 2  元偷偷看……
6楼-- · 2020-01-26 00:45

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