
2020-01-30 13:40发布

PCB File : Documentsmotor4.PCB
Date     : 26-Apr-2013
Time     : 20:47:52

Processing Rule : Hole Size Constraint (Min=1mil) (Max=100mil) (On the board )
   Violation         Via (173mil,832mil) TopLayer to BottomLayer  Actual Hole Size = 157.48mil
   Violation         Via (4393mil,832mil) TopLayer to BottomLayer  Actual Hole Size = 157.48mil
   Violation         Via (4393mil,3267mil) TopLayer to BottomLayer  Actual Hole Size = 157.48mil
   Violation         Via (173mil,3267mil) TopLayer to BottomLayer  Actual Hole Size = 157.48mil
Rule Violations :4

Processing Rule : Clearance Constraint (Gap=8mil) (On the board ),(On the board )
Rule Violations :0

Processing Rule : Broken-Net Constraint ( (On the board ) )
   Violation         Net GND   is broken into 9 sub-nets. Routed To 83.67%
     Subnet : U705-9   Ca4-1    U705-11  U705-13  U705-15  U708-7   CP4-2    U7-15    J6-2     CR1-2   
              D12-2    R17-1    J18-6    J18-12   R22-2    R15-1    Ca5-2    C33-2    R21-2    U8-4     C2-2     
              J3-2     Q2-2     C1-2     U403-6   U403-3   C432-2   D431-1   U403-5   U1-35    CP3-2    U1-21   
              C18-1    CT2-2    C431-2   CT1-2    C430-2   S2-2     
     Subnet : R18-1   
     Subnet : R16-1   
     Subnet : R19-2   
     Subnet : R20-2   
     Subnet : CD1-2    CD2-1    U1-6     CR3-2   
     Subnet : U1-47   
     Subnet : CY1-2    CY2-2   
     Subnet : CR2-2
   Violation         Net DOUTA2   is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 50.00%
     Subnet : U705-12  D14-2   
     Subnet : J7-2     
   Violation         Net DOUTA3   is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 50.00%
     Subnet : U705-14  D23-2   
     Subnet : J7-3     
Rule Violations :3

Processing Rule : Short-Circuit Constraint (Allowed=Not Allowed) (On the board ),(On the board )
Rule Violations :0

Processing Rule : Width Constraint (Min=7mil) (Max=50mil) (Prefered=30mil) (On the board )
Rule Violations :0

Violations Detected : 7
Time Elapsed        : 00:00:05

不知道哪个错了。。一点都看不懂,麻烦看的懂的帮我讲下   谢谢了!
友情提示: 此问题已得到解决,问题已经关闭,关闭后问题禁止继续编辑,回答。
该问题目前已经被作者或者管理员关闭, 无法添加新回复
1楼-- · 2020-01-30 18:20
Processing Rule : Hole Size Constraint (Min=1mil) (Max=100mil) (On the board )
    Violation         Via (173mil,832mil) TopLayer to BottomLayer  Actual Hole Size = 157.48mil
    Violation         Via (4393mil,832mil) TopLayer to BottomLayer  Actual Hole Size = 157.48mil
    Violation         Via (4393mil,3267mil) TopLayer to BottomLayer  Actual Hole Size = 157.48mil
    Violation         Via (173mil,3267mil) TopLayer to BottomLayer  Actual Hole Size = 157.48mil
Rule Violations :4

这几个可以忽略。孔大于100mil .
2楼-- · 2020-01-30 21:44
Processing Rule : Broken-Net Constraint ( (On the board ) )
    Violation         Net GND   is broken into 9 sub-nets. Routed To 83.67%
      Subnet : U705-9   Ca4-1    U705-11  U705-13  U705-15  U708-7   CP4-2    U7-15    J6-2     CR1-2   
              D12-2    R17-1    J18-6    J18-12   R22-2    R15-1    Ca5-2    C33-2    R21-2    U8-4     C2-2     
               J3-2     Q2-2     C1-2     U403-6   U403-3   C432-2   D431-1   U403-5   U1-35    CP3-2    U1-21   
              C18-1    CT2-2    C431-2   CT1-2    C430-2   S2-2     
      Subnet : R18-1   
     Subnet : R16-1   
     Subnet : R19-2   
     Subnet : R20-2   
     Subnet : CD1-2    CD2-1    U1-6     CR3-2   
     Subnet : U1-47   
     Subnet : CY1-2    CY2-2   
     Subnet : CR2-2
    Violation         Net DOUTA2   is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 50.00%
      Subnet : U705-12  D14-2   
     Subnet : J7-2     
    Violation         Net DOUTA3   is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 50.00%
      Subnet : U705-14  D23-2   
     Subnet : J7-3     
Rule Violations :3
3楼-- · 2020-01-31 00:59
 精彩回答 2  元偷偷看……
4楼-- · 2020-01-31 06:04
GND 一般可以通过敷铜解决
5楼-- · 2020-01-31 09:57
censtar 发表于 2013-4-26 21:23
Processing Rule : Broken-Net Constraint ( (On the board ) )
    Violation         Net GND   is broke ...

6楼-- · 2020-01-31 11:02
wangzeyu315 发表于 2013-4-26 21:29

GND   、douta2 he douta3 没通。也就是说还有没连完的线。

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