2020-02-02 10:24发布

Memory address and command. Bit 35 is used internally by the
controller. The controller ignores this bit from the user interface. Bits
[34:32] are used for dynamic commands as follows:
001: Auto Refresh
010: Precharge
100: Write
101: Read
Bits [31:0] form the memory chip select, bank address, row address,
and column address. The positioning of the chip, bank, row, and
column addresses changes based on the memory configuration
想请教一下,我在操作读写时序的时候,还用不用关心Auto Refresh(001)和Precharge(010)这两个命令,我按照用户时序在modelsim进行了DDR读写仿真,仿真结果在PRE之后会报错,如下:
# At time 273990.000 ns PRE  : Addr[10] = 1, Bank = 00
# At time 274020.000 ns AREF : Auto Refresh
# At time 274100.000 ns ACT  : Bank = 0, Row = Z000
# At time 274100.000 ns ERROR: tRFC violation during Activate bank 0
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