DDR MAP pack 1107

2020-02-02 10:28发布

Pack:1107 - Pack was unable to combine the symbols listed below into a
   single IOBM component because the site type selected is not compatible.

   Further explanation:
   The component type is determined by the types of logic and the properties and
   configuration of the logic it contains. In this case an IO component of type
   IOBM was chosen because the IO contains symbols and/or properties consistent
   with differential master usage. Please double check that the types of logic
   elements and all of their relevant properties and configuration options are
   compatible with the physical site type of the constraint.

   Symbols involved:
           PAD symbol "cntr0_ddr_ck" (Pad Signal = cntr0_ddr_ck)
           BUFINV symbol
   (Output Signal = cntr0_ddr_ck)
   Component type involved: IOBM
   Site Location involved: A10
   Site Type involved: LOWCAPIOB

ERROR:Pack:1107 - Pack was unable to combine the symbols listed below into a
   single IOBS component because the site type selected is not compatible.

   Further explanation:
   The component type is determined by the types of logic and the properties and
   configuration of the logic it contains. In this case an IO component of type
   IOBS was chosen because the IO contains symbols and/or properties consistent
   with differential slave usage. Please double check that the types of logic
   elements and all of their relevant properties and configuration options are
   compatible with the physical site type of the constraint.

   Symbols involved:
           PAD symbol "cntr0_ddr_ck_n" (Pad Signal = cntr0_ddr_ck_n)
           SlaveBuffer symbol
   DIFFOUT" (Output Signal = cntr0_ddr_ck_n)
   Component type involved: IOBS
   Site Location involved: B10
   Site Type involved: LOWCAPIOB

Mapping completed.
See MAP report file "top_map.mrp" for details.
Problem encountered during the packing phase.

Design Summary
Number of errors   :   2
Number of warnings :   1
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该问题目前已经被作者或者管理员关闭, 无法添加新回复
1楼-- · 2020-02-02 15:59
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`include "../rtl/ddr_parameters_0.v"

module ddr_infrastructure_iobs_0
   input      clk,
   output  [`CLK_WIDTH-1:0]   ddr_ck,
   output  [`CLK_WIDTH-1:0]   ddr_ck_n

   wire [`CLK_WIDTH-1:0]      ddr_ck_q;
   wire                       vcc;
   wire                       gnd;

   assign vcc         = 1'b1;
   assign gnd         = 1'b0;

   // Memory clock generation
   genvar clk_i;
   for (clk_i = 0; clk_i < `CLK_WIDTH; clk_i = clk_i+1) begin : gen_clk

       ODDR #
          .SRTYPE       ("SYNC"),

     OBUFDS obufds_clk

2楼-- · 2020-02-02 21:29
 精彩回答 2  元偷偷看……
3楼-- · 2020-02-03 02:06

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