从C51定时器的寄存器地址来看,我认为C51 CPU本身应该是小端的,以下摘自Keil 的帮助文档:
the 8052 uses addresses 0xCC and 0xCD for the low and high bytes of timer/counter 2 respectively.
Access to 16-bit SFRs using sfr16 is possible only when the low byte immediately precedes the high byte (little endian) and when the low byte is written last. The low byte is used as the address in the sfr16 declaration. For example:
unsigned long *x = 0x1000;
*x = 0x12345678;
0x1000: 12
0x1001: 34
0x1002: 56
0x1003: 78
ljmp 0x1234
02 12 34
大端 小端
0x0000 0x12 0xcd
0x0001 0x34 0xab
0x0002 0xab 0x34
0x0003 0xcd 0x12
下面Keil C51编译出的代码来看,Keil 是大端的
68: a.w = 0x1234;
C:0x15AC 752812 MOV 0x28,#0x12
C:0x15AF 752934 MOV 0x29,#0x34
从C51定时器的寄存器地址来看,我认为C51 CPU本身应该是小端的,以下摘自Keil 的帮助文档:
the 8052 uses addresses 0xCC and 0xCD for the low and high bytes of timer/counter 2 respectively.
Access to 16-bit SFRs using sfr16 is possible only when the low byte immediately precedes the high byte (little endian) and when the low byte is written last. The low byte is used as the address in the sfr16 declaration. For example:
sfr16 T2 = 0xCC; /* Timer 2: T2L 0CCh, T2H 0CDh */
sfr16 RCAP2 = 0xCA; /* RCAP2L 0CAh, RCAP2H 0CBh */
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