请问,这样的不明指令是如何编入芯片内的? 现反汇编是否可用NOP空指令代之?(直接删掉这行是不行的,会导致程序转跳错位。)
行号 地址 十六进制码 指令
1169 490 BF1 GOTO 0x1f1
1170 491 C88 MOVLW 0x88
1171 492 C75 MOVLW 0x75
1172 493 080 SUBWF 0, W
1173 494 4A6 BCF 0x6, 0x5
1174 495 105 IORWF 0x5, W
1175 496 008 ;(不明指令)
1176 497 075 CLRF 0x15
1177 498 C8D MOVLW 0x8d
1178 499 085 SUBWF 0x5, W
1179 49A 005 TRIS 0x5
1180 49B 105 IORWF 0x5, W
1181 49C 4A6 BCF 0x6, 0x5
1182 49D 485 BCF 0x5, 0x4
1183 49E 005 TRIS 0x5
1184 49F 505 BSF 0x5, 0
1185 4A0 008 ;(不明指令)
1186 4A1 4A6 BCF 0x6, 0x5
1187 4A2 485 BCF 0x5, 0x4
1188 4A3 005 TRIS 0x5
1189 4A4 085 SUBWF 0x5, W
1190 4A5 008 ;(不明指令)
1191 4A6 683 BTFSC 0x3, 0x4
1192 4A7 105 IORWF 0x5, W
1193 4A8 085 SUBWF 0x5, W
1194 4A9 283 INCF 0x3, W
1195 4AA 008 ;(不明指令)
1196 4AB 0F0 DECF 0x10, F
1197 4AC 0F7 DECF 0x17, F
1198 4AD 041 CLRF 0x1
1199 4AE 0F8 DECF 0x18, F
1200 4AF BF8 GOTO 0x1f8
1201 4B0 CAF MOVLW 0xaf
1202 4B1 BF7 GOTO 0x1f7
1203 4B2 CAD MOVLW 0xad
1204 4B3 008 ;(不明指令)
1205 4B4 0A0 SUBWF 0, F
1206 4B5 0F5 DECF 0x15, F
1207 4B6 461 BCF 0x1, 0x3
1208 4B7 46A BCF 0xa, 0x3
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跟据以下文档提示,所有 16C5X 未有使用的指令组合,都会被MCU当作 NOP 指令般来运行。 所以把 008 用 NOP 代替是一样的。
PIC16CXX Instruction Set
The PIC16CXX instruction set consists of
36 instructions, each a single 14-bit wide
word. Most instructions operate on a file
register, f, and the working register, W
(accumulator). The result can be directed
either to the file register or the W
register or to both in the case of some
instructions. A few instructions operate
solely on a file register (BSF for
All instructions execute in a single
instruction cycle unless otherwise noted.
Any unused opcode is executed as a NOP.
The instruction set is highly orthogonal
and is grouped into three basic
� Byte Oriented operations
� Bit Oriented Operations
� Literal and Control Operations
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