楼主用的调试器是Microchip原装的吗? 我用你的方法测试了一下,发现有如下的提示:
ICDWarn0087: To prevent device damage, the Programming Adapter product (AC164114) is mandatory when using any Microchip Programmer with PIC18F13K50 or PIC18F14K50 parts (except the PIC18F14K50 Processor Extension Pak emulation header) and the target Vdd is above 3.6 volts.
ICDWarn0087: To prevent device damage, the Programming Adapter product (AC164114) is mandatory when using any Microchip Programmer with PIC18F13K50 or PIC18F14K50 parts (except the PIC18F14K50 Processor Extension Pak emulation header) and the target Vdd is above 3.6 volts.
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