芯片 PIC16F877A 晶振4M 程序如下:
void timer0_init() //
OPTION=0x00;//不同的分频用示波器实测时间 00:410us 01:800us 02:1.58ms 03:3.16ms 04:6.24ms
//05:12.6ms 06:25ms 07:50ms
void interrupt ISR()
TMR0=61;//初值61 50ms溢出一次
RD0=!RD0; //测RD0引脚的电平变化时间
当2分频的时候 初值61 定时的时间应该是 (256-61)*2=390us 实测有410us 这个误差很大,是怎么出现的?
友情提示: 此问题已得到解决,问题已经关闭,关闭后问题禁止继续编辑,回答。
that's true only because your "theory / calculation" is flawed.
here is an example:
#include <htc.h>
#include "gpio.h"
#include "config.h"
//hardware configuration
#define OUT (1<<2) //output on gpio.2
#define TMR_PERIOD 100 //tmr period, 100 ticks
#define TMR_ERROR 2 //tmr error term
//end hardware configuration
unsigned char _tmr0_period=0;
void interrupt isr(void) {
T0IF = 0;
TMR0 += _tmr0_period; //reload the offset
IO_FLP(OUT_PORT, OUT); //flip out
void tmr0_init(unsigned char period) {
T0CS = 0; //use internal clock = Fosc / 4
PSA = 1; //prescaler assigned to wdt
_tmr0_period = -period + TMR_ERROR;
TMR0 = _tmr0_period; //set the period
T0IE = 1; //turn on tmr0 interrupt
void mcu_init(void) {
ANSEL = 0x00; //porta are digital io
//ANSELH = 0x00; //all portB is digital io
CMCON = 0x07; //analog comparators off
//IRCF2=1, IRCF1=1, IRCF0=0; //running at 4Mhz
IO_CLR(OUT_PORT, OUT); //clear out
IO_OUT(OUT_DDR, OUT); //out as output
void main(void) {
mcu_init(); //reset the mcu
tmr0_init(TMR_PERIOD); //reset the tmr
ei(); //enable interrupt
while (1){
//TODO Auto-generated main function
the above code flips GPIO2 every 100us, using tmr0.
here is its execution.
(原文件名:675f tmr0 isr.PNG)
it looks to me to be exactly 100us (or 200us = 5Khz period).
even without the error term, it will be far more accurate than 99% of the tasks need.
your mistake is in your own ability to understand how the timer works.
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