2020-02-10 08:56
查了相关文档,没有SPBRG这个寄存器,头文件里面也没有 怎么办
该问题目前已经被作者或者管理员关闭, 无法添加新回复
1楼-- · 2020-02-10 09:56
精彩回答 2 元偷偷看……
2楼-- · 2020-02-10 09:59
MPLAB X IDE里面的MCC插件直接配置好就能用了呀
3楼-- · 2020-02-10 10:43
4楼-- · 2020-02-10 16:01
#ifndef _HTC_H_
#warning Header file pic16f72.h included directly. Use #include <htc.h> instead.
/* header file for the MICROCHIP PIC microcontroller
* 16F72
#ifndef __PIC16F72_H
#define __PIC16F72_H
// Configuration mask definitions
// Config Register: CONFIG
#define CONFIG 0x2007
// Oscillator Selection bits
// RC oscillator
#define FOSC_RC 0xFFFF
// HS oscillator
#define FOSC_HS 0xFFFE
// XT oscillator
#define FOSC_XT 0xFFFD
// LP oscillator
#define FOSC_LP 0xFFFC
// Watchdog Timer Enable bit
// WDT enabled
#define WDTE_ON 0xFFFF
// WDT disabled
#define WDTE_OFF 0xFFFB
// Power-up Timer Enable bit
// PWRT disabled
#define PWRTE_OFF 0xFFFF
// PWRT enabled
#define PWRTE_ON 0xFFF7
// FLASH Program Memory Code Protection bit
// Code protection off
#define CP_OFF 0xFFFF
// All Memory locations code protected
#define CP_ON 0xFFEF
// Brown-out Reset Enable bit
// BOR enabled
#define BOREN_ON 0xFFFF
// BOR disabled
#define BOREN_OFF 0xFFBF
// Special function register definitions
// Register: INDF
volatile unsigned char INDF @ 0x000;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: TMR0
volatile unsigned char TMR0 @ 0x001;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: PCL
volatile unsigned char PCL @ 0x002;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: STATUS
volatile unsigned char STATUS @ 0x003;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit CARRY @ ((unsigned)&STATUS*8)+0;
volatile bit DC @ ((unsigned)&STATUS*8)+1;
volatile bit ZERO @ ((unsigned)&STATUS*8)+2;
volatile bit nPD @ ((unsigned)&STATUS*8)+3;
volatile bit nTO @ ((unsigned)&STATUS*8)+4;
volatile bit IRP @ ((unsigned)&STATUS*8)+7;
volatile bit RP0 @ ((unsigned)&STATUS*8)+5;
volatile bit RP1 @ ((unsigned)&STATUS*8)+6;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned C : 1;
unsigned DC : 1;
unsigned Z : 1;
unsigned nPD : 1;
unsigned nTO : 1;
unsigned RP : 2;
unsigned IRP : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 5;
unsigned RP0 : 1;
unsigned RP1 : 1;
} STATUSbits @ 0x003;
// Register: FSR
volatile unsigned char FSR @ 0x004;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: PORTA
volatile unsigned char PORTA @ 0x005;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit RA0 @ ((unsigned)&PORTA*8)+0;
volatile bit RA1 @ ((unsigned)&PORTA*8)+1;
volatile bit RA2 @ ((unsigned)&PORTA*8)+2;
volatile bit RA3 @ ((unsigned)&PORTA*8)+3;
volatile bit RA4 @ ((unsigned)&PORTA*8)+4;
volatile bit RA5 @ ((unsigned)&PORTA*8)+5;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned RA0 : 1;
unsigned RA1 : 1;
unsigned RA2 : 1;
unsigned RA3 : 1;
unsigned RA4 : 1;
unsigned RA5 : 1;
} PORTAbits @ 0x005;
// Register: PORTB
volatile unsigned char PORTB @ 0x006;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit RB0 @ ((unsigned)&PORTB*8)+0;
volatile bit RB1 @ ((unsigned)&PORTB*8)+1;
volatile bit RB2 @ ((unsigned)&PORTB*8)+2;
volatile bit RB3 @ ((unsigned)&PORTB*8)+3;
volatile bit RB4 @ ((unsigned)&PORTB*8)+4;
volatile bit RB5 @ ((unsigned)&PORTB*8)+5;
volatile bit RB6 @ ((unsigned)&PORTB*8)+6;
volatile bit RB7 @ ((unsigned)&PORTB*8)+7;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned RB0 : 1;
unsigned RB1 : 1;
unsigned RB2 : 1;
unsigned RB3 : 1;
unsigned RB4 : 1;
unsigned RB5 : 1;
unsigned RB6 : 1;
unsigned RB7 : 1;
} PORTBbits @ 0x006;
// Register: PORTC
volatile unsigned char PORTC @ 0x007;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit RC0 @ ((unsigned)&PORTC*8)+0;
volatile bit RC1 @ ((unsigned)&PORTC*8)+1;
volatile bit RC2 @ ((unsigned)&PORTC*8)+2;
volatile bit RC3 @ ((unsigned)&PORTC*8)+3;
volatile bit RC4 @ ((unsigned)&PORTC*8)+4;
volatile bit RC5 @ ((unsigned)&PORTC*8)+5;
volatile bit RC6 @ ((unsigned)&PORTC*8)+6;
volatile bit RC7 @ ((unsigned)&PORTC*8)+7;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned RC0 : 1;
unsigned RC1 : 1;
unsigned RC2 : 1;
unsigned RC3 : 1;
unsigned RC4 : 1;
unsigned RC5 : 1;
unsigned RC6 : 1;
unsigned RC7 : 1;
} PORTCbits @ 0x007;
// Register: PCLATH
volatile unsigned char PCLATH @ 0x00A;
// bit and bitfield definitions
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned PCLATH : 5;
} PCLATHbits @ 0x00A;
// Register: INTCON
volatile unsigned char INTCON @ 0x00B;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit RBIF @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+0;
volatile bit INTF @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+1;
volatile bit TMR0IF @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+2;
volatile bit RBIE @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+3;
volatile bit INTE @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+4;
volatile bit TMR0IE @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+5;
volatile bit PEIE @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+6;
volatile bit GIE @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+7;
volatile bit T0IF @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+2;
volatile bit T0IE @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+5;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned RBIF : 1;
unsigned INTF : 1;
unsigned TMR0IF : 1;
unsigned RBIE : 1;
unsigned INTE : 1;
unsigned TMR0IE : 1;
unsigned PEIE : 1;
unsigned GIE : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned T0IF : 1;
unsigned : 2;
unsigned T0IE : 1;
} INTCONbits @ 0x00B;
// Register: PIR1
volatile unsigned char PIR1 @ 0x00C;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit TMR1IF @ ((unsigned)&PIR1*8)+0;
volatile bit TMR2IF @ ((unsigned)&PIR1*8)+1;
volatile bit CCP1IF @ ((unsigned)&PIR1*8)+2;
volatile bit SSPIF @ ((unsigned)&PIR1*8)+3;
volatile bit ADIF @ ((unsigned)&PIR1*8)+6;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned TMR1IF : 1;
unsigned TMR2IF : 1;
unsigned CCP1IF : 1;
unsigned SSPIF : 1;
unsigned : 2;
unsigned ADIF : 1;
} PIR1bits @ 0x00C;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: TMR1L
volatile unsigned char TMR1L @ 0x00E;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: TMR1H
volatile unsigned char TMR1H @ 0x00F;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: TMR1
volatile unsigned int TMR1 @ 0x00E;
// Register: T1CON
volatile unsigned char T1CON @ 0x010;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit TMR1ON @ ((unsigned)&T1CON*8)+0;
volatile bit TMR1CS @ ((unsigned)&T1CON*8)+1;
volatile bit nT1SYNC @ ((unsigned)&T1CON*8)+2;
volatile bit T1OSCEN @ ((unsigned)&T1CON*8)+3;
volatile bit T1INSYNC @ ((unsigned)&T1CON*8)+2;
volatile bit T1CKPS0 @ ((unsigned)&T1CON*8)+4;
volatile bit T1CKPS1 @ ((unsigned)&T1CON*8)+5;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned TMR1ON : 1;
unsigned TMR1CS : 1;
unsigned nT1SYNC : 1;
unsigned T1OSCEN : 1;
unsigned T1CKPS : 2;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned T1INSYNC : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned T1CKPS0 : 1;
unsigned T1CKPS1 : 1;
} T1CONbits @ 0x010;
// Register: TMR2
volatile unsigned char TMR2 @ 0x011;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: T2CON
volatile unsigned char T2CON @ 0x012;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit TMR2ON @ ((unsigned)&T2CON*8)+2;
volatile bit T2CKPS0 @ ((unsigned)&T2CON*8)+0;
volatile bit T2CKPS1 @ ((unsigned)&T2CON*8)+1;
volatile bit TOUTPS0 @ ((unsigned)&T2CON*8)+3;
volatile bit TOUTPS1 @ ((unsigned)&T2CON*8)+4;
volatile bit TOUTPS2 @ ((unsigned)&T2CON*8)+5;
volatile bit TOUTPS3 @ ((unsigned)&T2CON*8)+6;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned T2CKPS : 2;
unsigned TMR2ON : 1;
unsigned TOUTPS : 4;
struct {
unsigned T2CKPS0 : 1;
unsigned T2CKPS1 : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned TOUTPS0 : 1;
unsigned TOUTPS1 : 1;
unsigned TOUTPS2 : 1;
unsigned TOUTPS3 : 1;
} T2CONbits @ 0x012;
// Register: SSPBUF
volatile unsigned char SSPBUF @ 0x013;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: SSPCON
volatile unsigned char SSPCON @ 0x014;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit CKP @ ((unsigned)&SSPCON*8)+4;
volatile bit SSPEN @ ((unsigned)&SSPCON*8)+5;
volatile bit SSPOV @ ((unsigned)&SSPCON*8)+6;
volatile bit WCOL @ ((unsigned)&SSPCON*8)+7;
volatile bit SSPM0 @ ((unsigned)&SSPCON*8)+0;
volatile bit SSPM1 @ ((unsigned)&SSPCON*8)+1;
volatile bit SSPM2 @ ((unsigned)&SSPCON*8)+2;
volatile bit SSPM3 @ ((unsigned)&SSPCON*8)+3;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned SSPM : 4;
unsigned CKP : 1;
unsigned SSPEN : 1;
unsigned SSPOV : 1;
unsigned WCOL : 1;
struct {
unsigned SSPM0 : 1;
unsigned SSPM1 : 1;
unsigned SSPM2 : 1;
unsigned SSPM3 : 1;
} SSPCONbits @ 0x014;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: CCPR1L
volatile unsigned char CCPR1L @ 0x015;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: CCPR1H
volatile unsigned char CCPR1H @ 0x016;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: CCPR1
volatile unsigned int CCPR1 @ 0x015;
// Register: CCP1CON
volatile unsigned char CCP1CON @ 0x017;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit CCP1Y @ ((unsigned)&CCP1CON*8)+4;
volatile bit CCP1X @ ((unsigned)&CCP1CON*8)+5;
volatile bit CCP1M0 @ ((unsigned)&CCP1CON*8)+0;
volatile bit CCP1M1 @ ((unsigned)&CCP1CON*8)+1;
volatile bit CCP1M2 @ ((unsigned)&CCP1CON*8)+2;
volatile bit CCP1M3 @ ((unsigned)&CCP1CON*8)+3;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned CCP1M : 4;
unsigned CCP1Y : 1;
unsigned CCP1X : 1;
struct {
unsigned CCP1M0 : 1;
unsigned CCP1M1 : 1;
unsigned CCP1M2 : 1;
unsigned CCP1M3 : 1;
} CCP1CONbits @ 0x017;
// Register: ADRES
volatile unsigned char ADRES @ 0x01E;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: ADCON0
volatile unsigned char ADCON0 @ 0x01F;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit ADON @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+0;
volatile bit GO_nDONE @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+2;
volatile bit GO @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+2;
volatile bit CHS0 @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+3;
volatile bit CHS1 @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+4;
volatile bit CHS2 @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+5;
volatile bit ADCS0 @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+6;
volatile bit ADCS1 @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+7;
volatile bit nDONE @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+2;
volatile bit GO_DONE @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+2;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned ADON : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned GO_nDONE : 1;
unsigned CHS : 3;
unsigned ADCS : 2;
struct {
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 3;
unsigned : 2;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned GO : 1;
unsigned CHS0 : 1;
unsigned CHS1 : 1;
unsigned CHS2 : 1;
unsigned ADCS0 : 1;
unsigned ADCS1 : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned nDONE : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned GO_DONE : 1;
} ADCON0bits @ 0x01F;
// Special function register definitions: Bank 1
// Register: OPTION_REG
volatile unsigned char OPTION_REG @ 0x081;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit PSA @ ((unsigned)&OPTION_REG*8)+3;
volatile bit T0SE @ ((unsigned)&OPTION_REG*8)+4;
volatile bit T0CS @ ((unsigned)&OPTION_REG*8)+5;
volatile bit INTEDG @ ((unsigned)&OPTION_REG*8)+6;
volatile bit nRBPU @ ((unsigned)&OPTION_REG*8)+7;
volatile bit PS0 @ ((unsigned)&OPTION_REG*8)+0;
volatile bit PS1 @ ((unsigned)&OPTION_REG*8)+1;
volatile bit PS2 @ ((unsigned)&OPTION_REG*8)+2;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned PS : 3;
unsigned PSA : 1;
unsigned T0SE : 1;
unsigned T0CS : 1;
unsigned INTEDG : 1;
unsigned nRBPU : 1;
struct {
unsigned PS0 : 1;
unsigned PS1 : 1;
unsigned PS2 : 1;
} OPTION_REGbits @ 0x081;
// Register: TRISA
volatile unsigned char TRISA @ 0x085;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit TRISA0 @ ((unsigned)&TRISA*8)+0;
volatile bit TRISA1 @ ((unsigned)&TRISA*8)+1;
volatile bit TRISA2 @ ((unsigned)&TRISA*8)+2;
volatile bit TRISA3 @ ((unsigned)&TRISA*8)+3;
volatile bit TRISA4 @ ((unsigned)&TRISA*8)+4;
volatile bit TRISA5 @ ((unsigned)&TRISA*8)+5;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned TRISA0 : 1;
unsigned TRISA1 : 1;
unsigned TRISA2 : 1;
unsigned TRISA3 : 1;
unsigned TRISA4 : 1;
unsigned TRISA5 : 1;
} TRISAbits @ 0x085;
// Register: TRISB
volatile unsigned char TRISB @ 0x086;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit TRISB0 @ ((unsigned)&TRISB*8)+0;
volatile bit TRISB1 @ ((unsigned)&TRISB*8)+1;
volatile bit TRISB2 @ ((unsigned)&TRISB*8)+2;
volatile bit TRISB3 @ ((unsigned)&TRISB*8)+3;
volatile bit TRISB4 @ ((unsigned)&TRISB*8)+4;
volatile bit TRISB5 @ ((unsigned)&TRISB*8)+5;
volatile bit TRISB6 @ ((unsigned)&TRISB*8)+6;
volatile bit TRISB7 @ ((unsigned)&TRISB*8)+7;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned TRISB0 : 1;
unsigned TRISB1 : 1;
unsigned TRISB2 : 1;
unsigned TRISB3 : 1;
unsigned TRISB4 : 1;
unsigned TRISB5 : 1;
unsigned TRISB6 : 1;
unsigned TRISB7 : 1;
} TRISBbits @ 0x086;
// Register: TRISC
volatile unsigned char TRISC @ 0x087;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit TRISC0 @ ((unsigned)&TRISC*8)+0;
volatile bit TRISC1 @ ((unsigned)&TRISC*8)+1;
volatile bit TRISC2 @ ((unsigned)&TRISC*8)+2;
volatile bit TRISC3 @ ((unsigned)&TRISC*8)+3;
volatile bit TRISC4 @ ((unsigned)&TRISC*8)+4;
volatile bit TRISC5 @ ((unsigned)&TRISC*8)+5;
volatile bit TRISC6 @ ((unsigned)&TRISC*8)+6;
volatile bit TRISC7 @ ((unsigned)&TRISC*8)+7;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned TRISC0 : 1;
unsigned TRISC1 : 1;
unsigned TRISC2 : 1;
unsigned TRISC3 : 1;
unsigned TRISC4 : 1;
unsigned TRISC5 : 1;
unsigned TRISC6 : 1;
unsigned TRISC7 : 1;
} TRISCbits @ 0x087;
// Register: PIE1
volatile unsigned char PIE1 @ 0x08C;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit TMR1IE @ ((unsigned)&PIE1*8)+0;
volatile bit TMR2IE @ ((unsigned)&PIE1*8)+1;
volatile bit CCP1IE @ ((unsigned)&PIE1*8)+2;
volatile bit SSPIE @ ((unsigned)&PIE1*8)+3;
volatile bit ADIE @ ((unsigned)&PIE1*8)+6;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned TMR1IE : 1;
unsigned TMR2IE : 1;
unsigned CCP1IE : 1;
unsigned SSPIE : 1;
unsigned : 2;
unsigned ADIE : 1;
} PIE1bits @ 0x08C;
// Register: PCON
volatile unsigned char PCON @ 0x08E;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit nBOR @ ((unsigned)&PCON*8)+0;
volatile bit nPOR @ ((unsigned)&PCON*8)+1;
volatile bit nBO @ ((unsigned)&PCON*8)+0;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned nBOR : 1;
unsigned nPOR : 1;
struct {
unsigned nBO : 1;
} PCONbits @ 0x08E;
// Register: PR2
volatile unsigned char PR2 @ 0x092;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: SSPADD
volatile unsigned char SSPADD @ 0x093;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: SSPSTAT
volatile unsigned char SSPSTAT @ 0x094;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit BF @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+0;
volatile bit UA @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+1;
volatile bit R_nW @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+2;
volatile bit S @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+3;
volatile bit P @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+4;
volatile bit D_nA @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+5;
volatile bit CKE @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+6;
volatile bit SMP @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+7;
volatile bit R @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+2;
volatile bit D @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+5;
volatile bit I2C_READ @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+2;
volatile bit I2C_START @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+3;
volatile bit I2C_STOP @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+4;
volatile bit I2C_DATA @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+5;
volatile bit nW @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+2;
volatile bit nA @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+5;
volatile bit nWRITE @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+2;
volatile bit nADDRESS @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+5;
volatile bit R_W @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+2;
volatile bit D_A @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+5;
volatile bit READ_WRITE @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+2;
volatile bit DATA_ADDRESS @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+5;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned BF : 1;
unsigned UA : 1;
unsigned R_nW : 1;
unsigned S : 1;
unsigned P : 1;
unsigned D_nA : 1;
unsigned CKE : 1;
unsigned SMP : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned R : 1;
unsigned : 2;
unsigned D : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned I2C_READ : 1;
unsigned I2C_START : 1;
unsigned I2C_STOP : 1;
unsigned I2C_DATA : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned nW : 1;
unsigned : 2;
unsigned nA : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned nWRITE : 1;
unsigned : 2;
unsigned nADDRESS : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned R_W : 1;
unsigned : 2;
unsigned D_A : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned READ_WRITE : 1;
unsigned : 2;
unsigned DATA_ADDRESS : 1;
} SSPSTATbits @ 0x094;
// Register: ADCON1
volatile unsigned char ADCON1 @ 0x09F;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit PCFG0 @ ((unsigned)&ADCON1*8)+0;
volatile bit PCFG1 @ ((unsigned)&ADCON1*8)+1;
volatile bit PCFG2 @ ((unsigned)&ADCON1*8)+2;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned PCFG : 3;
struct {
unsigned PCFG0 : 1;
unsigned PCFG1 : 1;
unsigned PCFG2 : 1;
} ADCON1bits @ 0x09F;
// Special function register definitions: Bank 2
// Register: PMDATL
volatile unsigned char PMDATL @ 0x10C;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: PMADRL
volatile unsigned char PMADRL @ 0x10D;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: PMDATH
volatile unsigned char PMDATH @ 0x10E;
// bit and bitfield definitions
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned : 6;
} PMDATHbits @ 0x10E;
// Register: PMADRH
volatile unsigned char PMADRH @ 0x10F;
// bit and bitfield definitions
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned : 5;
} PMADRHbits @ 0x10F;
// Special function register definitions: Bank 3
// Register: PMCON1
volatile unsigned char PMCON1 @ 0x18C;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit RD @ ((unsigned)&PMCON1*8)+0;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned RD : 1;
} PMCON1bits @ 0x18C;
5楼-- · 2020-02-10 20:15
6楼-- · 2020-02-11 00:20
精彩回答 2 元偷偷看……
1 个回答
21 个回答
12 个回答
5 个回答
4 个回答
2 个回答
4 个回答
PIC45K40 IOC(interrupt-on-change)功能
2 个回答
确 认
#ifndef _HTC_H_
#warning Header file pic16f72.h included directly. Use #include <htc.h> instead.
/* header file for the MICROCHIP PIC microcontroller
* 16F72
#ifndef __PIC16F72_H
#define __PIC16F72_H
// Configuration mask definitions
// Config Register: CONFIG
#define CONFIG 0x2007
// Oscillator Selection bits
// RC oscillator
#define FOSC_RC 0xFFFF
// HS oscillator
#define FOSC_HS 0xFFFE
// XT oscillator
#define FOSC_XT 0xFFFD
// LP oscillator
#define FOSC_LP 0xFFFC
// Watchdog Timer Enable bit
// WDT enabled
#define WDTE_ON 0xFFFF
// WDT disabled
#define WDTE_OFF 0xFFFB
// Power-up Timer Enable bit
// PWRT disabled
#define PWRTE_OFF 0xFFFF
// PWRT enabled
#define PWRTE_ON 0xFFF7
// FLASH Program Memory Code Protection bit
// Code protection off
#define CP_OFF 0xFFFF
// All Memory locations code protected
#define CP_ON 0xFFEF
// Brown-out Reset Enable bit
// BOR enabled
#define BOREN_ON 0xFFFF
// BOR disabled
#define BOREN_OFF 0xFFBF
// Special function register definitions
// Register: INDF
volatile unsigned char INDF @ 0x000;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: TMR0
volatile unsigned char TMR0 @ 0x001;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: PCL
volatile unsigned char PCL @ 0x002;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: STATUS
volatile unsigned char STATUS @ 0x003;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit CARRY @ ((unsigned)&STATUS*8)+0;
volatile bit DC @ ((unsigned)&STATUS*8)+1;
volatile bit ZERO @ ((unsigned)&STATUS*8)+2;
volatile bit nPD @ ((unsigned)&STATUS*8)+3;
volatile bit nTO @ ((unsigned)&STATUS*8)+4;
volatile bit IRP @ ((unsigned)&STATUS*8)+7;
volatile bit RP0 @ ((unsigned)&STATUS*8)+5;
volatile bit RP1 @ ((unsigned)&STATUS*8)+6;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned C : 1;
unsigned DC : 1;
unsigned Z : 1;
unsigned nPD : 1;
unsigned nTO : 1;
unsigned RP : 2;
unsigned IRP : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 5;
unsigned RP0 : 1;
unsigned RP1 : 1;
} STATUSbits @ 0x003;
// Register: FSR
volatile unsigned char FSR @ 0x004;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: PORTA
volatile unsigned char PORTA @ 0x005;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit RA0 @ ((unsigned)&PORTA*8)+0;
volatile bit RA1 @ ((unsigned)&PORTA*8)+1;
volatile bit RA2 @ ((unsigned)&PORTA*8)+2;
volatile bit RA3 @ ((unsigned)&PORTA*8)+3;
volatile bit RA4 @ ((unsigned)&PORTA*8)+4;
volatile bit RA5 @ ((unsigned)&PORTA*8)+5;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned RA0 : 1;
unsigned RA1 : 1;
unsigned RA2 : 1;
unsigned RA3 : 1;
unsigned RA4 : 1;
unsigned RA5 : 1;
} PORTAbits @ 0x005;
// Register: PORTB
volatile unsigned char PORTB @ 0x006;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit RB0 @ ((unsigned)&PORTB*8)+0;
volatile bit RB1 @ ((unsigned)&PORTB*8)+1;
volatile bit RB2 @ ((unsigned)&PORTB*8)+2;
volatile bit RB3 @ ((unsigned)&PORTB*8)+3;
volatile bit RB4 @ ((unsigned)&PORTB*8)+4;
volatile bit RB5 @ ((unsigned)&PORTB*8)+5;
volatile bit RB6 @ ((unsigned)&PORTB*8)+6;
volatile bit RB7 @ ((unsigned)&PORTB*8)+7;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned RB0 : 1;
unsigned RB1 : 1;
unsigned RB2 : 1;
unsigned RB3 : 1;
unsigned RB4 : 1;
unsigned RB5 : 1;
unsigned RB6 : 1;
unsigned RB7 : 1;
} PORTBbits @ 0x006;
// Register: PORTC
volatile unsigned char PORTC @ 0x007;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit RC0 @ ((unsigned)&PORTC*8)+0;
volatile bit RC1 @ ((unsigned)&PORTC*8)+1;
volatile bit RC2 @ ((unsigned)&PORTC*8)+2;
volatile bit RC3 @ ((unsigned)&PORTC*8)+3;
volatile bit RC4 @ ((unsigned)&PORTC*8)+4;
volatile bit RC5 @ ((unsigned)&PORTC*8)+5;
volatile bit RC6 @ ((unsigned)&PORTC*8)+6;
volatile bit RC7 @ ((unsigned)&PORTC*8)+7;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned RC0 : 1;
unsigned RC1 : 1;
unsigned RC2 : 1;
unsigned RC3 : 1;
unsigned RC4 : 1;
unsigned RC5 : 1;
unsigned RC6 : 1;
unsigned RC7 : 1;
} PORTCbits @ 0x007;
// Register: PCLATH
volatile unsigned char PCLATH @ 0x00A;
// bit and bitfield definitions
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned PCLATH : 5;
} PCLATHbits @ 0x00A;
// Register: INTCON
volatile unsigned char INTCON @ 0x00B;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit RBIF @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+0;
volatile bit INTF @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+1;
volatile bit TMR0IF @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+2;
volatile bit RBIE @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+3;
volatile bit INTE @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+4;
volatile bit TMR0IE @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+5;
volatile bit PEIE @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+6;
volatile bit GIE @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+7;
volatile bit T0IF @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+2;
volatile bit T0IE @ ((unsigned)&INTCON*8)+5;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned RBIF : 1;
unsigned INTF : 1;
unsigned TMR0IF : 1;
unsigned RBIE : 1;
unsigned INTE : 1;
unsigned TMR0IE : 1;
unsigned PEIE : 1;
unsigned GIE : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned T0IF : 1;
unsigned : 2;
unsigned T0IE : 1;
} INTCONbits @ 0x00B;
// Register: PIR1
volatile unsigned char PIR1 @ 0x00C;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit TMR1IF @ ((unsigned)&PIR1*8)+0;
volatile bit TMR2IF @ ((unsigned)&PIR1*8)+1;
volatile bit CCP1IF @ ((unsigned)&PIR1*8)+2;
volatile bit SSPIF @ ((unsigned)&PIR1*8)+3;
volatile bit ADIF @ ((unsigned)&PIR1*8)+6;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned TMR1IF : 1;
unsigned TMR2IF : 1;
unsigned CCP1IF : 1;
unsigned SSPIF : 1;
unsigned : 2;
unsigned ADIF : 1;
} PIR1bits @ 0x00C;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: TMR1L
volatile unsigned char TMR1L @ 0x00E;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: TMR1H
volatile unsigned char TMR1H @ 0x00F;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: TMR1
volatile unsigned int TMR1 @ 0x00E;
// Register: T1CON
volatile unsigned char T1CON @ 0x010;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit TMR1ON @ ((unsigned)&T1CON*8)+0;
volatile bit TMR1CS @ ((unsigned)&T1CON*8)+1;
volatile bit nT1SYNC @ ((unsigned)&T1CON*8)+2;
volatile bit T1OSCEN @ ((unsigned)&T1CON*8)+3;
volatile bit T1INSYNC @ ((unsigned)&T1CON*8)+2;
volatile bit T1CKPS0 @ ((unsigned)&T1CON*8)+4;
volatile bit T1CKPS1 @ ((unsigned)&T1CON*8)+5;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned TMR1ON : 1;
unsigned TMR1CS : 1;
unsigned nT1SYNC : 1;
unsigned T1OSCEN : 1;
unsigned T1CKPS : 2;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned T1INSYNC : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned T1CKPS0 : 1;
unsigned T1CKPS1 : 1;
} T1CONbits @ 0x010;
// Register: TMR2
volatile unsigned char TMR2 @ 0x011;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: T2CON
volatile unsigned char T2CON @ 0x012;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit TMR2ON @ ((unsigned)&T2CON*8)+2;
volatile bit T2CKPS0 @ ((unsigned)&T2CON*8)+0;
volatile bit T2CKPS1 @ ((unsigned)&T2CON*8)+1;
volatile bit TOUTPS0 @ ((unsigned)&T2CON*8)+3;
volatile bit TOUTPS1 @ ((unsigned)&T2CON*8)+4;
volatile bit TOUTPS2 @ ((unsigned)&T2CON*8)+5;
volatile bit TOUTPS3 @ ((unsigned)&T2CON*8)+6;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned T2CKPS : 2;
unsigned TMR2ON : 1;
unsigned TOUTPS : 4;
struct {
unsigned T2CKPS0 : 1;
unsigned T2CKPS1 : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned TOUTPS0 : 1;
unsigned TOUTPS1 : 1;
unsigned TOUTPS2 : 1;
unsigned TOUTPS3 : 1;
} T2CONbits @ 0x012;
// Register: SSPBUF
volatile unsigned char SSPBUF @ 0x013;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: SSPCON
volatile unsigned char SSPCON @ 0x014;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit CKP @ ((unsigned)&SSPCON*8)+4;
volatile bit SSPEN @ ((unsigned)&SSPCON*8)+5;
volatile bit SSPOV @ ((unsigned)&SSPCON*8)+6;
volatile bit WCOL @ ((unsigned)&SSPCON*8)+7;
volatile bit SSPM0 @ ((unsigned)&SSPCON*8)+0;
volatile bit SSPM1 @ ((unsigned)&SSPCON*8)+1;
volatile bit SSPM2 @ ((unsigned)&SSPCON*8)+2;
volatile bit SSPM3 @ ((unsigned)&SSPCON*8)+3;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned SSPM : 4;
unsigned CKP : 1;
unsigned SSPEN : 1;
unsigned SSPOV : 1;
unsigned WCOL : 1;
struct {
unsigned SSPM0 : 1;
unsigned SSPM1 : 1;
unsigned SSPM2 : 1;
unsigned SSPM3 : 1;
} SSPCONbits @ 0x014;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: CCPR1L
volatile unsigned char CCPR1L @ 0x015;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: CCPR1H
volatile unsigned char CCPR1H @ 0x016;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: CCPR1
volatile unsigned int CCPR1 @ 0x015;
// Register: CCP1CON
volatile unsigned char CCP1CON @ 0x017;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit CCP1Y @ ((unsigned)&CCP1CON*8)+4;
volatile bit CCP1X @ ((unsigned)&CCP1CON*8)+5;
volatile bit CCP1M0 @ ((unsigned)&CCP1CON*8)+0;
volatile bit CCP1M1 @ ((unsigned)&CCP1CON*8)+1;
volatile bit CCP1M2 @ ((unsigned)&CCP1CON*8)+2;
volatile bit CCP1M3 @ ((unsigned)&CCP1CON*8)+3;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned CCP1M : 4;
unsigned CCP1Y : 1;
unsigned CCP1X : 1;
struct {
unsigned CCP1M0 : 1;
unsigned CCP1M1 : 1;
unsigned CCP1M2 : 1;
unsigned CCP1M3 : 1;
} CCP1CONbits @ 0x017;
// Register: ADRES
volatile unsigned char ADRES @ 0x01E;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: ADCON0
volatile unsigned char ADCON0 @ 0x01F;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit ADON @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+0;
volatile bit GO_nDONE @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+2;
volatile bit GO @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+2;
volatile bit CHS0 @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+3;
volatile bit CHS1 @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+4;
volatile bit CHS2 @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+5;
volatile bit ADCS0 @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+6;
volatile bit ADCS1 @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+7;
volatile bit nDONE @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+2;
volatile bit GO_DONE @ ((unsigned)&ADCON0*8)+2;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned ADON : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned GO_nDONE : 1;
unsigned CHS : 3;
unsigned ADCS : 2;
struct {
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 3;
unsigned : 2;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned GO : 1;
unsigned CHS0 : 1;
unsigned CHS1 : 1;
unsigned CHS2 : 1;
unsigned ADCS0 : 1;
unsigned ADCS1 : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned nDONE : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned GO_DONE : 1;
} ADCON0bits @ 0x01F;
// Special function register definitions: Bank 1
// Register: OPTION_REG
volatile unsigned char OPTION_REG @ 0x081;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit PSA @ ((unsigned)&OPTION_REG*8)+3;
volatile bit T0SE @ ((unsigned)&OPTION_REG*8)+4;
volatile bit T0CS @ ((unsigned)&OPTION_REG*8)+5;
volatile bit INTEDG @ ((unsigned)&OPTION_REG*8)+6;
volatile bit nRBPU @ ((unsigned)&OPTION_REG*8)+7;
volatile bit PS0 @ ((unsigned)&OPTION_REG*8)+0;
volatile bit PS1 @ ((unsigned)&OPTION_REG*8)+1;
volatile bit PS2 @ ((unsigned)&OPTION_REG*8)+2;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned PS : 3;
unsigned PSA : 1;
unsigned T0SE : 1;
unsigned T0CS : 1;
unsigned INTEDG : 1;
unsigned nRBPU : 1;
struct {
unsigned PS0 : 1;
unsigned PS1 : 1;
unsigned PS2 : 1;
} OPTION_REGbits @ 0x081;
// Register: TRISA
volatile unsigned char TRISA @ 0x085;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit TRISA0 @ ((unsigned)&TRISA*8)+0;
volatile bit TRISA1 @ ((unsigned)&TRISA*8)+1;
volatile bit TRISA2 @ ((unsigned)&TRISA*8)+2;
volatile bit TRISA3 @ ((unsigned)&TRISA*8)+3;
volatile bit TRISA4 @ ((unsigned)&TRISA*8)+4;
volatile bit TRISA5 @ ((unsigned)&TRISA*8)+5;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned TRISA0 : 1;
unsigned TRISA1 : 1;
unsigned TRISA2 : 1;
unsigned TRISA3 : 1;
unsigned TRISA4 : 1;
unsigned TRISA5 : 1;
} TRISAbits @ 0x085;
// Register: TRISB
volatile unsigned char TRISB @ 0x086;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit TRISB0 @ ((unsigned)&TRISB*8)+0;
volatile bit TRISB1 @ ((unsigned)&TRISB*8)+1;
volatile bit TRISB2 @ ((unsigned)&TRISB*8)+2;
volatile bit TRISB3 @ ((unsigned)&TRISB*8)+3;
volatile bit TRISB4 @ ((unsigned)&TRISB*8)+4;
volatile bit TRISB5 @ ((unsigned)&TRISB*8)+5;
volatile bit TRISB6 @ ((unsigned)&TRISB*8)+6;
volatile bit TRISB7 @ ((unsigned)&TRISB*8)+7;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned TRISB0 : 1;
unsigned TRISB1 : 1;
unsigned TRISB2 : 1;
unsigned TRISB3 : 1;
unsigned TRISB4 : 1;
unsigned TRISB5 : 1;
unsigned TRISB6 : 1;
unsigned TRISB7 : 1;
} TRISBbits @ 0x086;
// Register: TRISC
volatile unsigned char TRISC @ 0x087;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit TRISC0 @ ((unsigned)&TRISC*8)+0;
volatile bit TRISC1 @ ((unsigned)&TRISC*8)+1;
volatile bit TRISC2 @ ((unsigned)&TRISC*8)+2;
volatile bit TRISC3 @ ((unsigned)&TRISC*8)+3;
volatile bit TRISC4 @ ((unsigned)&TRISC*8)+4;
volatile bit TRISC5 @ ((unsigned)&TRISC*8)+5;
volatile bit TRISC6 @ ((unsigned)&TRISC*8)+6;
volatile bit TRISC7 @ ((unsigned)&TRISC*8)+7;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned TRISC0 : 1;
unsigned TRISC1 : 1;
unsigned TRISC2 : 1;
unsigned TRISC3 : 1;
unsigned TRISC4 : 1;
unsigned TRISC5 : 1;
unsigned TRISC6 : 1;
unsigned TRISC7 : 1;
} TRISCbits @ 0x087;
// Register: PIE1
volatile unsigned char PIE1 @ 0x08C;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit TMR1IE @ ((unsigned)&PIE1*8)+0;
volatile bit TMR2IE @ ((unsigned)&PIE1*8)+1;
volatile bit CCP1IE @ ((unsigned)&PIE1*8)+2;
volatile bit SSPIE @ ((unsigned)&PIE1*8)+3;
volatile bit ADIE @ ((unsigned)&PIE1*8)+6;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned TMR1IE : 1;
unsigned TMR2IE : 1;
unsigned CCP1IE : 1;
unsigned SSPIE : 1;
unsigned : 2;
unsigned ADIE : 1;
} PIE1bits @ 0x08C;
// Register: PCON
volatile unsigned char PCON @ 0x08E;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit nBOR @ ((unsigned)&PCON*8)+0;
volatile bit nPOR @ ((unsigned)&PCON*8)+1;
volatile bit nBO @ ((unsigned)&PCON*8)+0;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned nBOR : 1;
unsigned nPOR : 1;
struct {
unsigned nBO : 1;
} PCONbits @ 0x08E;
// Register: PR2
volatile unsigned char PR2 @ 0x092;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: SSPADD
volatile unsigned char SSPADD @ 0x093;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: SSPSTAT
volatile unsigned char SSPSTAT @ 0x094;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit BF @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+0;
volatile bit UA @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+1;
volatile bit R_nW @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+2;
volatile bit S @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+3;
volatile bit P @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+4;
volatile bit D_nA @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+5;
volatile bit CKE @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+6;
volatile bit SMP @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+7;
volatile bit R @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+2;
volatile bit D @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+5;
volatile bit I2C_READ @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+2;
volatile bit I2C_START @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+3;
volatile bit I2C_STOP @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+4;
volatile bit I2C_DATA @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+5;
volatile bit nW @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+2;
volatile bit nA @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+5;
volatile bit nWRITE @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+2;
volatile bit nADDRESS @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+5;
volatile bit R_W @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+2;
volatile bit D_A @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+5;
volatile bit READ_WRITE @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+2;
volatile bit DATA_ADDRESS @ ((unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8)+5;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned BF : 1;
unsigned UA : 1;
unsigned R_nW : 1;
unsigned S : 1;
unsigned P : 1;
unsigned D_nA : 1;
unsigned CKE : 1;
unsigned SMP : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 1;
unsigned : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned R : 1;
unsigned : 2;
unsigned D : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned I2C_READ : 1;
unsigned I2C_START : 1;
unsigned I2C_STOP : 1;
unsigned I2C_DATA : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned nW : 1;
unsigned : 2;
unsigned nA : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned nWRITE : 1;
unsigned : 2;
unsigned nADDRESS : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned R_W : 1;
unsigned : 2;
unsigned D_A : 1;
struct {
unsigned : 2;
unsigned READ_WRITE : 1;
unsigned : 2;
unsigned DATA_ADDRESS : 1;
} SSPSTATbits @ 0x094;
// Register: ADCON1
volatile unsigned char ADCON1 @ 0x09F;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit PCFG0 @ ((unsigned)&ADCON1*8)+0;
volatile bit PCFG1 @ ((unsigned)&ADCON1*8)+1;
volatile bit PCFG2 @ ((unsigned)&ADCON1*8)+2;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned PCFG : 3;
struct {
unsigned PCFG0 : 1;
unsigned PCFG1 : 1;
unsigned PCFG2 : 1;
} ADCON1bits @ 0x09F;
// Special function register definitions: Bank 2
// Register: PMDATL
volatile unsigned char PMDATL @ 0x10C;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: PMADRL
volatile unsigned char PMADRL @ 0x10D;
// bit and bitfield definitions
// Register: PMDATH
volatile unsigned char PMDATH @ 0x10E;
// bit and bitfield definitions
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned : 6;
} PMDATHbits @ 0x10E;
// Register: PMADRH
volatile unsigned char PMADRH @ 0x10F;
// bit and bitfield definitions
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned : 5;
} PMADRHbits @ 0x10F;
// Special function register definitions: Bank 3
// Register: PMCON1
volatile unsigned char PMCON1 @ 0x18C;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit RD @ ((unsigned)&PMCON1*8)+0;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned RD : 1;
} PMCON1bits @ 0x18C;
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