本帖最后由 cdcc0606 于 2015-1-26 21:19 编辑
- library ieee;
- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --! top_sensors entity declaration
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- entity top_sensors is
- port
- (
- -- Input ports
- reset : in std_logic; --! system clock
- clk : in std_logic; --! signal reset
- I1 : in std_logic; --! pulse sensor 1
- -- Output ports
- Top_Tour_T1 : out std_logic --! Top round sensor 1 output is fixed for 660us
- );
- end entity top_sensors;
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --! top_sensors architecture declaration
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- architecture behavior of top_sensors is
- signal flag1: integer RANGE 0 TO 2:=0; --! verify the end of the 660us top1
- signal cpt1: integer RANGE 0 TO 33000:=0; --! 660us=> 660/0.02us=33000: counter clk FPGA=33000
- begin
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --! [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=247401]@brief[/url] generate top round for each sensor
- --! @detail each top is fixed for 660us
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- process(clk, reset)
- begin
- if reset='0' then
- Top_Tour_T1 <= '0';
- cpt1<=0;
- elsif rising_edge(clk)then
- --if I1=0=>I1=1
- if(I1='1')and (cpt1=0)then
- Top_Tour_T1<='1';
- cpt1<=1;
- end if;
- --begin the counter 330000 pour 660us
- if(cpt1>0)and (cpt1<33000)then
- cpt1<=cpt1+1;
- if(I1='0')then
- elsif(I1='1')and (flag1=1)then
- cpt1<=0;
- Top_Tour_T1<='0';
- flag1<=0;
- end if;
- --after 660us, top disappear
- end if;
- if(cpt1=33000)then
- if(I1='0')then
- cpt1<=0;
- end if;
- Top_Tour_T1<='0';
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- end architecture behavior;
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