飞思卡尔的arm 伤不起啊-MK10DX128VLF5--48脚的arm(已解决)

2020-02-19 21:01发布

本帖最后由 FSL_TICS_ZJJ 于 2014-1-27 16:31 编辑

DEBUG时,LOAD时出错 iar6306 调试mk10 48脚的芯片 同样遇到了这个问题,明天把iar升级到6404 试试;我就郁闷了;keil453 能编译 不能下载调试程序;飞思卡尔的arm 伤不起啊
友情提示: 此问题已得到解决,问题已经关闭,关闭后问题禁止继续编辑,回答。
该问题目前已经被作者或者管理员关闭, 无法添加新回复
1楼-- · 2020-02-20 01:44
幸亏LZ用的Keil 要是用CodeWarrior保你有跳楼的冲动
2楼-- · 2020-02-20 03:50
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:23: Loaded macro file: D:Program FilesIAR SystemsEmbedded Workbench 6.30.6armconfigflashloaderFreescaleFlashK60Xxxx.mac
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:24: JLINK command: ProjectFile = E:技术支持资料官方程序kinetis_50MHz_scuildiarhello_worldsettingshello_world_tower_FLASH_128KB_PFLASH.jlink, return = 0
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:24: Device "MK20DX128XXX5" selected (128 KB flash, 16 KB RAM).
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:24: JLINK command: device = MK20DX128xxx5, return = 0
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:24: DLL version: V4.40b, compiled Dec 22 2011 10:54:45
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:24: Firmware: J-Link ARM V8 compiled Dec  6 2011 18:57:44
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:24: Selecting SWD as current target interface.
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:24: JTAG speed is initially set to: 32 kHz
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:24: Found SWD-DP with ID 0x2BA01477
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:24: TPIU fitted.
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:24:   FPUnit: 6 code (BP) slots and 2 literal slots
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:24: Found Cortex-M4 r0p1, Little endian.
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:25: Hardware reset with strategy 0 was performed
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:25: Initial reset was performed
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:25: ----- Prepare hardware for Flashloader -----
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:27: 1536 bytes downloaded and verified (0.61 Kbytes/sec)
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:27: Loaded debugee: D:Program FilesIAR SystemsEmbedded Workbench 6.30.6armconfigflashloaderFreescaleFlashK60Dxxx16K.out
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:27: Target reset
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Skipping flash loading pass because there is no data in the designated range: 0x10000000-0x13FFFFFF.
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Downloaded E:技术支持资料官方程序kinetis_50MHz_scuildiarhello_worldFLASH_128KB_PFLASHExehello_world_tower.out to flash memory.
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Loaded macro file: D:Program FilesIAR SystemsEmbedded Workbench 6.30.6armconfigdebuggerFreescaleTrace_Kxx.dmac
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Found SWD-DP with ID 0x2BA01477
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: TPIU fitted.
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29:   FPUnit: 6 code (BP) slots and 2 literal slots
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Found Cortex-M4 r0p1, Little endian.
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Hardware reset with strategy 0 was performed
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: 11864 bytes downloaded into FLASH and verified (5.66 Kbytes/sec)
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001C52, target byte: 0xA4, byte in file: 0xAC
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001C74, target byte: 0x91, byte in file: 0x9B
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001C7C, target byte: 0x91, byte in file: 0x97
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001C84, target byte: 0x81, byte in file: 0x93
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001C8C, target byte: 0x89, byte in file: 0x8F
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001C94, target byte: 0x81, byte in file: 0x8B
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001C9C, target byte: 0x81, byte in file: 0x87
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001CAA, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x80
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001CE2, target byte: 0x44, byte in file: 0x64
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001CEA, target byte: 0x40, byte in file: 0x60
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001CF2, target byte: 0x54, byte in file: 0x5C
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001CFA, target byte: 0x50, byte in file: 0x58
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001D02, target byte: 0x44, byte in file: 0x54
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001D0A, target byte: 0x40, byte in file: 0x50
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001D12, target byte: 0x44, byte in file: 0x4C
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001D1A, target byte: 0x40, byte in file: 0x48
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001D22, target byte: 0x04, byte in file: 0x44
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001D2A, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x40
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001D32, target byte: 0x34, byte in file: 0x3C
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001D40, target byte: 0x25, byte in file: 0x35
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001D5C, target byte: 0x21, byte in file: 0x27
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001D64, target byte: 0x01, byte in file: 0x23
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001D6C, target byte: 0x19, byte in file: 0x1F
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001D74, target byte: 0x11, byte in file: 0x1B
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001D86, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x12
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001DB0, target byte: 0xF5, byte in file: 0xFD
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001DB8, target byte: 0xF1, byte in file: 0xF9
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001DC0, target byte: 0xE5, byte in file: 0xF5
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001DC8, target byte: 0xE1, byte in file: 0xF1
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001DD0, target byte: 0xE5, byte in file: 0xED
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001DD8, target byte: 0xE1, byte in file: 0xE9
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001DE0, target byte: 0xC5, byte in file: 0xE5
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001E2C, target byte: 0xB9, byte in file: 0xBF
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001E6E, target byte: 0x98, byte in file: 0x9E
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001E7C, target byte: 0x80, byte in file: 0xA4
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001E80, target byte: 0xD0, byte in file: 0xDC
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001E84, target byte: 0xC0, byte in file: 0xE4
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001E88, target byte: 0xE0, byte in file: 0xEC
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001E8C, target byte: 0xE0, byte in file: 0xF4
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001E90, target byte: 0xF0, byte in file: 0xFC
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001E94, target byte: 0x80, byte in file: 0xA4
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001E98, target byte: 0xA0, byte in file: 0xB4
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001E9C, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x04
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001E9D, target byte: 0x2C, byte in file: 0x2E
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001EA0, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x0C
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001EA4, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x14
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001EA8, target byte: 0x10, byte in file: 0x1C
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001EAC, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x24
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001EB0, target byte: 0x20, byte in file: 0x2C
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001EB4, target byte: 0x20, byte in file: 0x34
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001EB8, target byte: 0x30, byte in file: 0x3C
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001EBC, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x44
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001EC0, target byte: 0x40, byte in file: 0x4C
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001EC4, target byte: 0xC0, byte in file: 0xCC
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001EC8, target byte: 0x08, byte in file: 0x88
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001ECC, target byte: 0x90, byte in file: 0x9C
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001ED0, target byte: 0xA0, byte in file: 0xB0
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001ED4, target byte: 0x80, byte in file: 0xC4
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001ED8, target byte: 0x40, byte in file: 0x4C
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001EE0, target byte: 0xC8, byte in file: 0xD8
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001EE4, target byte: 0xC8, byte in file: 0xD8
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001EE8, target byte: 0xE0, byte in file: 0xEC
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001EED, target byte: 0x2C, byte in file: 0x2D
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001EF0, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x14
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001EF4, target byte: 0x08, byte in file: 0x28
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001EF8, target byte: 0x30, byte in file: 0x3C
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001EFC, target byte: 0x20, byte in file: 0x2C
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001F28, target byte: 0xE0, byte in file: 0xF4
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001F2C, target byte: 0xC0, byte in file: 0xD4
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001F8C, target byte: 0x01, byte in file: 0x21
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001FE8, target byte: 0x40, byte in file: 0x54
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001FEC, target byte: 0x48, byte in file: 0x58
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001FF4, target byte: 0x28, byte in file: 0x29
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00001FFC, target byte: 0x40, byte in file: 0x50
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002400, target byte: 0x28, byte in file: 0x2D
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002401, target byte: 0x50, byte in file: 0x78
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002402, target byte: 0xA8, byte in file: 0xAD
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002403, target byte: 0x02, byte in file: 0x06
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002405, target byte: 0xD1, byte in file: 0xD5
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002408, target byte: 0x20, byte in file: 0x32
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000240A, target byte: 0xD2, byte in file: 0xDF
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000240B, target byte: 0xB0, byte in file: 0xF8
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000240C, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x68
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000240D, target byte: 0x02, byte in file: 0x52
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000240E, target byte: 0x08, byte in file: 0xA8
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000240F, target byte: 0x40, byte in file: 0x42
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002411, target byte: 0xD8, byte in file: 0xDB
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002412, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x21
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002413, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x20
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002414, target byte: 0x04, byte in file: 0x2C
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002415, target byte: 0x01, byte in file: 0xE1
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002417, target byte: 0xB0, byte in file: 0xB2
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002419, target byte: 0x22, byte in file: 0x2A
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000241A, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x08
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000241B, target byte: 0x40, byte in file: 0xD0
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000241C, target byte: 0x01, byte in file: 0xDF
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000241D, target byte: 0xD0, byte in file: 0xF8
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000241E, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x58
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000241F, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x52
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002420, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x45
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002421, target byte: 0x01, byte in file: 0x1B
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002422, target byte: 0xC9, byte in file: 0xDF
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002423, target byte: 0xB0, byte in file: 0xF8
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002424, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x58
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002425, target byte: 0x20, byte in file: 0x62
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002426, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0xB5
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002429, target byte: 0x01, byte in file: 0xD3
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000242A, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x22
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000242B, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x20
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000242D, target byte: 0xA0, byte in file: 0xE1
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000242E, target byte: 0x09, byte in file: 0xC9
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000242F, target byte: 0x20, byte in file: 0xB2
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002431, target byte: 0x01, byte in file: 0x29
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002433, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0xD3
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002434, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x01
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002436, target byte: 0x14, byte in file: 0x5D
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002437, target byte: 0x10, byte in file: 0x1E
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002438, target byte: 0x08, byte in file: 0xED
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002439, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0xB2
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000243A, target byte: 0x09, byte in file: 0x19
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000243B, target byte: 0x20, byte in file: 0x2D
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000243C, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x01
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000243D, target byte: 0x01, byte in file: 0xD3
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000243E, target byte: 0x01, byte in file: 0x41
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000243F, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x20
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002440, target byte: 0x02, byte in file: 0x16
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002441, target byte: 0x20, byte in file: 0xE1
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002442, target byte: 0x04, byte in file: 0xB4
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002443, target byte: 0xE1, byte in file: 0xF1
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002445, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x05
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002446, target byte: 0x80, byte in file: 0xED
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002449, target byte: 0x25, byte in file: 0x2D
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000244B, target byte: 0xD0, byte in file: 0xD3
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000244C, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x42
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000244E, target byte: 0x0D, byte in file: 0x0F
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000244F, target byte: 0x01, byte in file: 0xE1
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002451, target byte: 0xB0, byte in file: 0xB2
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002452, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x90
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002453, target byte: 0x62, byte in file: 0xFB
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002454, target byte: 0xB1, byte in file: 0xF3
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002455, target byte: 0x40, byte in file: 0xF5
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002456, target byte: 0x01, byte in file: 0xDF
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002457, target byte: 0xD0, byte in file: 0xF8
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002458, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x28
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002459, target byte: 0x20, byte in file: 0x62
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000245A, target byte: 0x01, byte in file: 0xAD
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000245B, target byte: 0x01, byte in file: 0x1B
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000245C, target byte: 0x5B, byte in file: 0xDF
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000245D, target byte: 0xB0, byte in file: 0xF8
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000245E, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x24
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002460, target byte: 0xB1, byte in file: 0xB5
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002461, target byte: 0x40, byte in file: 0x42
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002462, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x01
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002463, target byte: 0x92, byte in file: 0xD3
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002464, target byte: 0x41, byte in file: 0x43
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002465, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x20
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002467, target byte: 0xE0, byte in file: 0xE1
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002468, target byte: 0x10, byte in file: 0x5B
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002469, target byte: 0x22, byte in file: 0xB2
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000246A, target byte: 0x80, byte in file: 0x90
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000246B, target byte: 0x1B, byte in file: 0xFB
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000246C, target byte: 0xD3, byte in file: 0xF3
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000246D, target byte: 0xF0, byte in file: 0xF5
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000246E, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x64
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000246F, target byte: 0x22, byte in file: 0xB2
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002470, target byte: 0x25, byte in file: 0x65
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002471, target byte: 0x42, byte in file: 0x43
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002472, target byte: 0x01, byte in file: 0xDF
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002473, target byte: 0xD0, byte in file: 0xF8
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002474, target byte: 0x04, byte in file: 0x14
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002475, target byte: 0x20, byte in file: 0x62
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002476, target byte: 0xA5, byte in file: 0xAD
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002477, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x1B
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000247A, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x10
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000247B, target byte: 0x42, byte in file: 0x62
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000247C, target byte: 0x25, byte in file: 0xB5
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000247D, target byte: 0x40, byte in file: 0x42
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000247F, target byte: 0xD0, byte in file: 0xD3
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002480, target byte: 0x41, byte in file: 0x45
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002481, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x20
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002482, target byte: 0xD5, byte in file: 0xF5
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002484, target byte: 0x04, byte in file: 0xDF
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002485, target byte: 0x60, byte in file: 0xF8
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002486, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x08
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002487, target byte: 0x42, byte in file: 0x52
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002488, target byte: 0x08, byte in file: 0x2D
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002489, target byte: 0x58, byte in file: 0x78
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000248A, target byte: 0x01, byte in file: 0x15
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000248B, target byte: 0xB0, byte in file: 0xF0
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000248C, target byte: 0xC1, byte in file: 0xC3
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000248D, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x05
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000248E, target byte: 0xD2, byte in file: 0xDF
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000248F, target byte: 0xB0, byte in file: 0xF8
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002491, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x62
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002492, target byte: 0x30, byte in file: 0xB0
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002494, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0x08
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002495, target byte: 0xD0, byte in file: 0xDA
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002496, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0xC9
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002497, target byte: 0x00, byte in file: 0xB2
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x00002498, target byte: 0x09, byte in file: 0xC9
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning:  
Verify error at address 0x0000249A, target byte: 0x02, byte in file: 0xD2
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:29: Warning: Too many verify errors, only the first 200 are displayed
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:32: Warning: There were warnings during download, see Log Window
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:32: Loaded debugee: E:技术支持资料官方程序kinetis_50MHz_scuildiarhello_worldFLASH_128KB_PFLASHExehello_world_tower.out
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:32: Found SWD-DP with ID 0x2BA01477
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:32: TPIU fitted.
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:32:   FPUnit: 6 code (BP) slots and 2 literal slots
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:32: Found Cortex-M4 r0p1, Little endian.
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:32: Hardware reset with strategy 0 was performed
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:32: Target reset
Mon Oct 15, 2012 09:30:34: There were 2 warnings during the initialization of the debugging session.
3楼-- · 2020-02-20 07:00
 精彩回答 2  元偷偷看……
4楼-- · 2020-02-20 12:14
5楼-- · 2020-02-20 17:35
xxd_9980 发表于 2012-10-14 23:51
幸亏LZ用的Keil 要是用CodeWarrior保你有跳楼的冲动

6楼-- · 2020-02-20 23:23

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