本帖最后由 zhangchaoying 于 2014-12-4 23:17 编辑
浏览官网,看见一玩具:机电一体化机器人Mechatronics Robot。有玩过的么?
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Software Enablement The Tower System mechatronics board is supported with a full range of software. StickOS is an entirely MCU-Resident interactive BASIC language programming environment, which includes an easy to use editor, transparent line compiler, interactive debugger and flash file system. When used with the Freescale robot, StickOS makes it easy to learn about electromechanical designs using sensors. For the more advanced programmer, C is also supported. Using the on-board OSBDM debugger and CodeWarrior Special Suite integrated development studio (IDE), the board can easily be programmed in either C or assembly (C++ is available with the CodeWarrior Professional Suite). CodeWarrior Special Suite plus OSBDM is a complete debugging solution that includes flash programming, run control (source level single step) and trace.
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