安装了ISE13.4,14.3,14.4。13.4完全正常,但是14.3,14.4 impact时出现错误,将.bit文件用13.4 impact下载,正常运行。这么做一是不方便,二是无法chipscope,请问是什么问题,怎么解决!
GUI --- Auto connect to cable...
AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.
*** WARNING ***: When port is set to auto detect mode, cable speed is set to default 6 MHz regardless of explicit arguments supplied for setting the baud rates
PROGRESS_START - Starting Operation.
Connecting to cable (Usb Port - USB21).
Checking cable driver.
Driver file xusbdfwu.sys found.
Driver version: src=1027, dest=1027.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = WinDriver v10.21 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2010 Build Date: Aug 31 2010 X86 32bit SYS 14:35:41, version = 1021.
Cable connection failed.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = WinDriver v10.21 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2010 Build Date: Aug 31 2010 X86 32bit SYS 14:35:41, version = 1021.
LPT base address = 0378h.
ECP base address = FFFFFFFFh.
Cable connection failed.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT2).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = WinDriver v10.21 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2010 Build Date: Aug 31 2010 X86 32bit SYS 14:35:41, version = 1021.
Cable connection failed.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT3).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = WinDriver v10.21 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2010 Build Date: Aug 31 2010 X86 32bit SYS 14:35:41, version = 1021.
Cable connection failed.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT4).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = WinDriver v10.21 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2010 Build Date: Aug 31 2010 X86 32bit SYS 14:35:41, version = 1021.
Cable connection failed.
PROGRESS_END - End Operation.
Elapsed time = 4 sec.
Cable autodetection failed.
WARNING:iMPACT:923 - Can not find cable, check cable setup !
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