* Round-robin arbiter with variable priority vector
* ---------------------
* G. Dimitrakopoulos
* Nov. 2008
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module arbiter(clk,
parameter N = 8;
parameter S = 3; // ceil of log_2 of N - put manually
parameter CHOISE = 0; // 0 blind round-robin and 1 true round robin
// I/O interface
input clk;
input rst;
input [N-1:0] req;
output [N-1:0] grant;
output anyGrant;
// internal pointers
reg [N-1:0] priority; // one-hot priority vector
// Outputs of combinational logic - real wires - declared as regs for use in a alway block
// Better to change to wires and use generate statements in the future
reg [N-1:0] g[S:0]; // S levels of priority generate
reg [N-1:0] p[S-1:0]; // S-1 levels of priority propagate
// internal synonym wires of true outputs anyGrant and grant
wire anyGnt;
wire [N-1:0] gnt;
assign anyGrant = anyGnt;
assign grant = gnt;
// Parallel prefix arbitration phase
integer i,j;
// arbitration phase
always@(req or priority)
// transfer request vector to the first propagate positions
p[0] = {~req[N-2:0], ~req[N-1]};
// transfer priority vector to the first generate positions
g[0] = priority;
// first log_2n - 1 prefix levels
for (i=1; i < S; i = i + 1) begin
for (j = 0; j < N ; j = j + 1) begin
if (j-2**(i-1) < 0) begin
g[i][j] = g[i-1][j] | (p[i-1][j] & g[i-1][N+j-2**(i-1)]);
p[i][j] = p[i-1][j] & p[i-1][N+j-2**(i-1)];
end else begin
g[i][j] = g[i-1][j] | (p[i-1][j] & g[i-1][j-2**(i-1)]);
p[i][j] = p[i-1][j] & p[i-1][j-2**(i-1)];
// last prefix level
for (j = 0; j < N; j = j + 1) begin
if (j-2**(S-1) < 0)
g[S][j] = g[S-1][j] | (p[S-1][j] & g[S-1][N+j-2**(S-1)]);
g[S][j] = g[S-1][j] | (p[S-1][j] & g[S-1][j-2**(S-1)]);
// any grant generation at last prefix level
assign anyGnt = ~(p[S-1][N-1] & p[S-1][N/2-1]);
// output stage logic
assign gnt = req & g[S];
// Pointer update logic
// ------------------------
// Version 1 - blind round robin CHOISE = 0
// Priority visits each input in a circural manner irrespective the granted output
// ------------------------
// Version 2 - true round robin CHOISE = 1
// Priority moves next to the granted output
// ------------------------
// Priority moves only when a grant was given, i.e., at least one active request
always@(posedge clk)
if (rst == 1'b1) begin
priority <= 1;
end else begin
// update pointers only if at leas one match exists
if (anyGnt == 1'b1) begin
if (CHOISE == 0) begin // blind circular round robin
// shift left one-hot priority vector
priority[N-1:1] <= priority[N-2:0];
priority[0] <= priority[N-1];
end else begin // true round robin
// shift left one-hot grant vector
priority[N-1:1] <= grant[N-2:0];
priority[0] <= grant[N-1];
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ERROR:Xst:678 - "arbiter.v" line 60: Can not evaluate constant.
ERROR:Xst:2634 - "arbiter.v" line 67: For loop stop condition should depend on loop variable or be static.
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