.WARNING:PhysDesignRules:781 - PULLUP on an active net. PULLUP of comp Flash_rst_n is set but the tri state is not configured.
Your problem is in the source code,not your constraints. It's
complainingthat you don't ever tristate the signal, either because your equations
don't have a tristate term or because that term has been optimised away.灏辨槸闈炶緭鍏ュ姞涓婃媺鍚庯紝娌℃湁閰嶇疆涓夋€併€傝繖鏄▼搴忕殑鍑洪敊锛屼笉鍏砪onstraints銆?br />
Your problem is in the source code,not your constraints. It's
complainingthat you don't ever tristate the signal, either because your equations
don't have a tristate term or because that term has been optimised away.灏辨槸闈炶緭鍏ュ姞涓婃媺鍚庯紝娌℃湁閰嶇疆涓夋€併€傝繖鏄▼搴忕殑鍑洪敊锛屼笉鍏砪onstraints銆?br /> 涓婇潰鏄櫨搴︽悳鍒扮殑锛屼笉鐭ラ亾鏄▼搴忛偅閲屽嚭閿欎簡锛?/td>
鏍规嵁鍓嶉潰鍑犳ゼ鐨勬弿杩? 鍙兘鍘熷洜鏄?
绠¤剼绾︽潫, 璁剧疆浜嗕笂鎷?
涓€鑸瘎瀛樺櫒杈撳嚭鐨勮瘽, 涓嶉渶瑕佷笂鎷?
涓夋€侀棬鎵嶆湁蹇呰浣跨敤涓婃媺, 杩欐牱杈撳嚭楂橀樆鏃? 涓婃媺浼氬舰鎴愮己鐪佺殑楂樼數骞?
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