您好。问题如下。NXP LPC1343使用下面的代码,通过USB线接上设备到电脑,按下SW3按钮(PIO2_11), 电脑马上弹出一个flash disk.可供用户快速更新firmware.
但因为后续开发要求用到USB HID功能,为了使用LPC1343 on chip driver, 需要在Keil开发工具中把Read/write memory areas作如下修改:
Start Size
IRAM1: 0x10000000 0x2000
改为0x10000180 0x1E80
改完之后,再执行下面的代码,通过USB线接上设备到电脑,按下SW3按钮(PIO2_11), 电脑要过约20~25秒才弹出一个flash disk供用户更新firmware。请问有什么办法可以更改IRAM1为: 0x10000180 0x1E80后,仍能让电脑快速弹出flash disk吗?
/* This data must be global so it is not read from the stack */
typedef void (*IAP)(uint32_t [], uint32_t []);
IAP iap_entry = (IAP)0x1fff1ff1;
uint32_t command[5], result[4];
友情提示: 此问题已得到解决,问题已经关闭,关闭后问题禁止继续编辑,回答。
hardware configuration to ensure that the USB In-System Programming module
will work properly. It is normally called from reset and assumes some reset
configuration settings for the MCU.
Some of the peripheral configurations may be redundant in your specific
void ReinvokeISP(void)
/* make sure USB clock is turned on before calling ISP */
/* make sure 32-bit Timer 1 is turned on before calling ISP */
/* make sure GPIO clock is turned on before calling ISP */
/* make sure IO configuration clock is turned on before calling ISP */
/* make sure AHB clock divider is 1:1 */
/* Send Reinvoke ISP command to ISP entry point*/
command[0] = 57;
/* Set stack pointer to ROM value (reset default) This must be the last
piece of code executed before calling ISP, because most C expressions
and function returns will fail after the stack pointer is changed. */
__set_MSP(*((uint32_t *)0x1FFF0000)); /* inline asm function */
/* Enter ISP. We call "iap_entry" to enter ISP because the ISP entry is done
through the same command interface as IAP. */
iap_entry(command, result);
// Not supposed to come back!
/* Bit access of uint32 */
unsigned char GetUInt32BitValue(unsigned int source, unsigned char bitIndex)
unsigned char value;
//value = (unsigned char)((source >> bitIndex) & 0x00000001); this take more spaces than below
source = source >> bitIndex;
value = (unsigned char)(source & 0x00000001);
return value;
/* When connect to a PC, wait until user presses the boot buttons */
void BootloaderRequest(void)
unsigned int key;
key = GetUInt32BitValue(LPC_GPIO0->DATA, 3);
// key = 1, then the device connects to PC
if(key == 1)
//key = GetUInt32BitValue(LPC_GPIO0->DATA, 1);
key = GetUInt32BitValue(LPC_GPIO2->DATA, 11);
// key = 0, then the boot key has been pressed
if(key == 0)
GPIOSetValue( 0, 2, 1); // turn on LED5
/* Disable SYSTICK timer and interrupt before calling into ISP */
/* Start ISP */
int main (void)
/* for delay loop */
volatile int n;
/* Initialize input port pins */
LPC_IOCON->;PIO0_2 = 0x10; //LED5, Pull-up resistor enabled
GPIOSetDir( 0, 2, 1);
/* Init */
LPC_IOCON->;PIO0_1 &= ~0x1F; //Inactive (no pull-down/pull-up resistor enabled) PIO0_1 -> DTH0033 boot button
LPC_IOCON->;PIO0_3 &= ~0x1F; //Inactive (no pull-down/pull-up resistor enabled) PIO0_3 -> DTH0033 USB_VBUS
LPC_IOCON->;PIO2_11 &= ~0x1F; //Inactive (no pull-down/pull-up resistor enabled) PIO2_11 -> DTH0033 SW3 button
GPIOSetValue( 0, 2, 0); //LED5 is off at the beginning until user press SW3 button (PIO2_11)
while (1)
/* Check SW3 button has been pressed? */
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