stm32f429驱动at070tn92颜 {MOD}显示不正常

2019-07-14 13:50发布

如果IO口全部复用到AF14,往显存里填满1,显示的不是白 {MOD}而是蓝绿 {MOD},经排查PB1(接液晶屏R6)引脚一直为0,按照f429discovery的例程里把PB1复用到AF9上,然后显示就正常了,那么第一个问题来了,数据手册上Pin0~7的AF9和AF14上都有LTDC,为啥PB1复用到AF14上颜 {MOD}显示就不正常呢?
第二个问题,我用rgb565驱动可以正常显示,用rgb888除了黑 {MOD}和白 {MOD}可以正常显示,其他都会花屏,而且屏幕还一直在抖啊抖的。

  * @brief  Initializes the LCD.
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void LCD_Init(void)
  LTDC_InitTypeDef       LTDC_InitStruct;
  /* Configure the LCD Control pins ------------------------------------------*/
//  LCD_CtrlLinesConfig();
//  LCD_ChipSelect(DISABLE);
//  LCD_ChipSelect(ENABLE);
  /* Configure the LCD_SPI interface -----------------------------------------*/
//  LCD_SPIConfig();
  /* Power on the LCD --------------------------------------------------------*/
//  LCD_PowerOn();
  /* Enable the LTDC Clock */
  RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_LTDC, ENABLE);
  /* Enable the DMA2D Clock */
  RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_DMA2D, ENABLE);
  /* Configure the LCD Control pins */
  /* Configure the FMC Parallel interface : SDRAM is used as Frame Buffer for LCD */
  /* LTDC Configuration *********************************************************/  
  /* Polarity configuration */
  /* Initialize the horizontal synchronization polarity as active low */
  LTDC_InitStruct.LTDC_HSPolarity = LTDC_HSPolarity_AL;     
  /* Initialize the vertical synchronization polarity as active low */  
  LTDC_InitStruct.LTDC_VSPolarity = LTDC_VSPolarity_AL;     
  /* Initialize the data enable polarity as active low */
  LTDC_InitStruct.LTDC_DEPolarity = LTDC_DEPolarity_AL;     
  /* Initialize the pixel clock polarity as input pixel clock */
  LTDC_InitStruct.LTDC_PCPolarity = LTDC_PCPolarity_IPC;
  /* Configure R,G,B component values for LCD background color */  //0ΪºÚÉ«£¬ffffffΪ°×É«               
  LTDC_InitStruct.LTDC_BackgroundRedValue = 0;            
  LTDC_InitStruct.LTDC_BackgroundGreenValue = 0;         
  LTDC_InitStruct.LTDC_BackgroundBlueValue = 0;  
  /* Configure PLLSAI prescalers for LCD */
  /* Enable Pixel Clock */
  /* PLLSAI_VCO Input = HSE_VALUE/PLL_M = 1 Mhz */
  /* PLLSAI_VCO Output = PLLSAI_VCO Input * PLLSAI_N = 192 Mhz */
  /* PLLLCDCLK = PLLSAI_VCO Output/PLLSAI_R = 192/4 = 48 Mhz */
  /* LTDC clock frequency = PLLLCDCLK / RCC_PLLSAIDivR = 48/8 = 6 Mhz */
  RCC_PLLSAIConfig(192, 7, 3);

  /* Enable PLLSAI Clock */
  /* Wait for PLLSAI activation */
  while(RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_PLLSAIRDY) == RESET)
  /* Timing configuration */  
  /* Configure horizontal synchronization width */     
  LTDC_InitStruct.LTDC_HorizontalSync = 4;//9;
  /* Configure vertical synchronization height */
  LTDC_InitStruct.LTDC_VerticalSync = 2;//1;
  /* Configure accumulated horizontal back porch */
  LTDC_InitStruct.LTDC_AccumulatedHBP = 50;//29;
  /* Configure accumulated vertical back porch */
  LTDC_InitStruct.LTDC_AccumulatedVBP = 25;//3;  
  /* Configure accumulated active width */  
  LTDC_InitStruct.LTDC_AccumulatedActiveW = 800+50;//269;
  /* Configure accumulated active height */
  LTDC_InitStruct.LTDC_AccumulatedActiveH = 480+25;//323;
  /* Configure total width */
  LTDC_InitStruct.LTDC_TotalWidth = 1056;//279;
  /* Configure total height */
  LTDC_InitStruct.LTDC_TotalHeigh = 525;//327;

  * @brief  Initializes the LCD Layers.
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void LCD_LayerInit(void)
  LTDC_Layer_InitTypeDef LTDC_Layer_InitStruct;
  /* Windowing configuration */
  /* In this case all the active display area is used to display a picture then :
  Horizontal start = horizontal synchronization + Horizontal back porch = 30
  Horizontal stop = Horizontal start + window width -1 = 30 + 240 -1
  Vertical start   = vertical synchronization + vertical back porch     = 4
  Vertical stop   = Vertical start + window height -1  = 4 + 320 -1      */      
  LTDC_Layer_InitStruct.LTDC_HorizontalStart = 50;//30;
  LTDC_Layer_InitStruct.LTDC_HorizontalStop = (LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH + 50 - 1);
  LTDC_Layer_InitStruct.LTDC_VerticalStart = 25;//4;
  LTDC_Layer_InitStruct.LTDC_VerticalStop = (LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT + 25 - 1);
  /* Pixel Format configuration*/
  LTDC_Layer_InitStruct.LTDC_PixelFormat = LTDC_Pixelformat_RGB888;
  /* Alpha constant (255 totally opaque) */
  LTDC_Layer_InitStruct.LTDC_ConstantAlpha = 255;
  /* Default Color configuration (configure A,R,G,B component values) */   
  LTDC_Layer_InitStruct.LTDC_DefaultColorBlue = 0;        
  LTDC_Layer_InitStruct.LTDC_DefaultColorGreen = 0;      
  LTDC_Layer_InitStruct.LTDC_DefaultColorRed = 0;         
  LTDC_Layer_InitStruct.LTDC_DefaultColorAlpha = 0;
  /* Configure blending factors */      
  LTDC_Layer_InitStruct.LTDC_BlendingFactor_1 = LTDC_BlendingFactor1_CA;
  LTDC_Layer_InitStruct.LTDC_BlendingFactor_2 = LTDC_BlendingFactor2_CA;
  /* the length of one line of pixels in bytes + 3 then :
  Line Lenth = Active high width x number of bytes per pixel + 3
  Active high width         = LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH
  number of bytes per pixel = 2    (pixel_format : RGB565)
  LTDC_Layer_InitStruct.LTDC_CFBLineLength = ((LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH * 3) + 3);
  /* the pitch is the increment from the start of one line of pixels to the
  start of the next line in bytes, then :
  Pitch = Active high width x number of bytes per pixel */
  LTDC_Layer_InitStruct.LTDC_CFBPitch = (LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH * 3);
  /* Configure the number of lines */  
  LTDC_Layer_InitStruct.LTDC_CFBLineNumber = LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT;
  /* Start Address configuration : the LCD Frame buffer is defined on SDRAM */   
  LTDC_Layer_InitStruct.LTDC_CFBStartAdress = LCD_FRAME_BUFFER;
  /* Initialize LTDC layer 1 */
  LTDC_LayerInit(LTDC_Layer1, <DC_Layer_InitStruct);
  /* Configure Layer2 */
  /* Start Address configuration : the LCD Frame buffer is defined on SDRAM w/ Offset */     
  /* Configure blending factors */      
  LTDC_Layer_InitStruct.LTDC_BlendingFactor_1 = LTDC_BlendingFactor1_PAxCA;   
  LTDC_Layer_InitStruct.LTDC_BlendingFactor_2 = LTDC_BlendingFactor2_PAxCA;
  /* Initialize LTDC layer 2 */
  LTDC_LayerInit(LTDC_Layer2, <DC_Layer_InitStruct);
  /* LTDC configuration reload */  
  /* Enable foreground & background Layers */
  LTDC_LayerCmd(LTDC_Layer1, ENABLE);
  LTDC_LayerCmd(LTDC_Layer2, ENABLE);
  /* LTDC configuration reload */  
  /* Set default font */   
  /* dithering activation */
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1楼-- · 2019-07-14 18:11
2楼-- · 2019-07-14 20:41
 精彩回答 2  元偷偷看……
3楼-- · 2019-07-14 23:54
4楼-- · 2019-07-15 04:57
5楼-- · 2019-07-15 10:23
6楼-- · 2019-07-15 14:45
可以看一下PCB上的接线是不是有虚接的。或是软件上的颜 {MOD}配置

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