//SpiWriteRegister(0x72, 0x48); //(9.6kbps)
SPI_RW_Reg(0x72, 0x38); // frequency bias (1.2kbps)
//(9.6 kbps, deviation: 45 kHz, channel filter BW: 102.2 kHz
SPI_RW_Reg(0x1C, 0x1b); //write 0x1E to the IF Filter Bandwidth register
SPI_RW_Reg(0x20, 0x83); //write 0xD0 to the Clock Recovery Oversampling Ratio register
SPI_RW_Reg(0x21, 0xc0); //write 0x00 to the Clock Recovery Offset 2 register
SPI_RW_Reg(0x22, 0x13); //write 0x9D to the Clock Recovery Offset 1 register
SPI_RW_Reg(0x23, 0xa9); //write 0x49 to the Clock Recovery Offset 0 register
SPI_RW_Reg(0x24, 0x00); //write 0x00 to the Clock Recovery Timing Loop Gain 1 register
SPI_RW_Reg(0x25, 0x03); //write 0x24 to the Clock Recovery Timing Loop Gain 0 register
SPI_RW_Reg(0x1D, 0x40); //write 0x40 to the AFC Loop Gearshift Override register
SPI_RW_Reg(0x1E, 0x0A); //write 0x0A to the AFC Timing Control register
SPI_RW_Reg(0x2A, 0x14); //write 0x20 to the AFC Limiter register
/* preamble & synchronous words configuration*/
SPI_RW_Reg(0x34, 0X0A); // 5 bytes of preamble
SPI_RW_Reg(0x35, 0x2A); // preamble check enable
SPI_RW_Reg(0x33, 0x02); // Transmitted Synchronization Word 3 first, followed by sync word 2
SPI_RW_Reg(0x36, 0x2d); //Synchronization Word 0x2dd4
SPI_RW_Reg(0x37, 0xd4);
SPI_RW_Reg(0x30, 0x8D); //enalbe PH+FIFO MODE, MSB, CCITT CRC
SPI_RW_Reg(0x32, 0x00 ); // disable frame header
SPI_RW_Reg(0x71, 0x63); // tranismit without CLK, FIFO, FSK MODE
void Si4432_ISR(void)
uint8_t status1 = 0;
uint8_t status2 = 0;
uint8_t SI4432_RxLenth = 0;
statebuf[2] = SPI_Read(0x02);
status1 = SPI_Read(0x03); //read the Interrupt Status1 register
status2 = SPI_Read(0x04); //read the Interrupt Status2 register, just for clear the pending bits?
statebuf[3] = SPI_Read(0x02);
if(rx_flag ==1)
status1 =0x24;
rx_flag ^=1;
if ( (status1 & 0x02) == 0x02 ) /*Valid Packet Received*/
rx_flag |= 2;
SI4432_RxLenth = SPI_Read(0x4B);
for (SI4432_RxCount=0;SI4432_RxCount < SI4432_RxLenth;SI4432_RxCount++)
SI4432_RxBUFF[SI4432_RxCount] = SPI_Read(0x7F);
// SPI_RW_Reg(0x08, 0x02);
// SPI_RW_Reg(0x08, 0x00);
// SPI_RW_Reg(0x07, 0x05); //enble rx
statebuf[4] = SPI_Read(0x02);
if( (status1 & 0x04) == 0x04 ) /* packet sent interrupt*/
tx_ok = 1;
statebuf[5] = SPI_Read(0x02);
statebuf[6] = SPI_Read(0x02);
SPI_RW_Reg(0x08, 0x03);
SPI_RW_Reg(0x08, 0x00);
SPI_RW_Reg(0x05, 0x03); /* enable rx interrupt*/
SPI_RW_Reg(0x06, 0x00);
SPI_RW_Reg(0x07, 0x05); //enble rx
status1 = SPI_Read(0x03); //read the Interrupt Status1 register
status2 = SPI_Read(0x04); //read the Interrupt Status2 register, just for clear the pending bits?
statebuf[7] = SPI_Read(0x02);
void Si4432Send(uint8_t* buf, uint8_t len)
SI4432_RxBUFF[rx_count++] = SPI_Read(0x5);
SI4432_RxBUFF[rx_count++] = SPI_Read(0x6);
SI4432_RxBUFF[rx_count++] = SPI_Read(0x7);
SI4432_RxBUFF[rx_count++] = SPI_Read(0x8);
SPI_RW_Reg(0x07, 0x01); //ready mode
delay_ms(10); // delay for stable
SPI_RW_Reg(0x3e, len); // SET transimit length
SPI_RW_Reg(0x7F, *buf++);
statebuf[9] = SPI_Read(0x02);
SPI_RW_Reg(0x05, 0x04); //enable trasimition complete interrupt
SPI_RW_Reg(0x06, 0x00);
SPI_Read(0x03); //clear interrupt flags
SPI_RW_Reg(0x07, 0x09); // transmition enable
statebuf[10] = SPI_Read(0x02);
tx_ok = 0;
int main(void)
// printf("wholly shit");
uprintf("si4432 poc");
/*software reset*/
SPI_RW_Reg(0x07, 0x80);
// while(GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(TIP_JR_IRQ_PORT,TIP_JR_IRQ_PIN) == SET);
SI4432_RxBUFF[rx_count++] = SPI_Read(0x3);
SI4432_RxBUFF[rx_count++] = SPI_Read(0x4);
SI4432_RxBUFF[rx_count++] = SPI_Read(0x5);
SI4432_RxBUFF[rx_count++] = SPI_Read(0x6);
SPI_RW_Reg(0x75, 0x53);
SPI_RW_Reg(0x76, 0x64); //
SPI_RW_Reg(0x77, 0x00);
SI4432_RxBUFF[rx_count++] = SPI_Read(0x75);
SI4432_RxBUFF[rx_count++] = SPI_Read(0x76);
SI4432_RxBUFF[rx_count++] = SPI_Read(0x77);
SPI_RW_Reg(0x2a, 0x14);
SPI_RW_Reg(0x6e, 0x09);
SPI_RW_Reg(0x6f, 0xd5);
SPI_RW_Reg(0x70, 0x2c);
//SpiWriteRegister(0x72, 0x48); //(9.6kbps)
SPI_RW_Reg(0x72, 0x38); // frequency bias (1.2kbps)
//(9.6 kbps, deviation: 45 kHz, channel filter BW: 102.2 kHz
SPI_RW_Reg(0x1C, 0x1b); //write 0x1E to the IF Filter Bandwidth register
SPI_RW_Reg(0x20, 0x83); //write 0xD0 to the Clock Recovery Oversampling Ratio register
SPI_RW_Reg(0x21, 0xc0); //write 0x00 to the Clock Recovery Offset 2 register
SPI_RW_Reg(0x22, 0x13); //write 0x9D to the Clock Recovery Offset 1 register
SPI_RW_Reg(0x23, 0xa9); //write 0x49 to the Clock Recovery Offset 0 register
SPI_RW_Reg(0x24, 0x00); //write 0x00 to the Clock Recovery Timing Loop Gain 1 register
SPI_RW_Reg(0x25, 0x03); //write 0x24 to the Clock Recovery Timing Loop Gain 0 register
SPI_RW_Reg(0x1D, 0x40); //write 0x40 to the AFC Loop Gearshift Override register
SPI_RW_Reg(0x1E, 0x0A); //write 0x0A to the AFC Timing Control register
SPI_RW_Reg(0x2A, 0x14); //write 0x20 to the AFC Limiter register
/* preamble & synchronous words configuration*/
SPI_RW_Reg(0x34, 0X0A); // 5 bytes of preamble
SPI_RW_Reg(0x35, 0x2A); // preamble check enable
SPI_RW_Reg(0x33, 0x02); // Transmitted Synchronization Word 3 first, followed by sync word 2
SPI_RW_Reg(0x36, 0x2d); //Synchronization Word 0x2dd4
SPI_RW_Reg(0x37, 0xd4);
SPI_RW_Reg(0x30, 0x8D); //enalbe PH+FIFO MODE, MSB, CCITT CRC
SPI_RW_Reg(0x32, 0x00 ); // disable frame header
SPI_RW_Reg(0x71, 0x63); // tranismit without CLK, FIFO, FSK MODE
/*GPIO configuration*/
SPI_RW_Reg(0x0b, 0x12); //
SPI_RW_Reg(0x0c, 0x15); //
/* others configuration */
SPI_RW_Reg(0x09, 0xD7); // loading capacity
SPI_RW_Reg(0x69, 0x60); //AGC overload
/* tx power*/
SPI_RW_Reg(0x6d, 0x1e);
/* enable rx manually*/
SPI_RW_Reg(0x07, 0x05);
/* enable rx interrupt*/
SPI_RW_Reg(0x05, 0x03);
SPI_RW_Reg(0x06, 0x00);
/* clear interrupt*/
SI4432_RxBUFF[rx_count++] = SPI_Read(0x03);
SI4432_RxBUFF[rx_count++] = SPI_Read(0x04);
statebuf[0] = SPI_Read(0x02);
if(rx_flag & 1)
//rx_flag ^= 1;
Si4432Send(uart_rx_buf, uart_rx_count);
uart_rx_count = 0;
statebuf[14] = SPI_Read(0x02);
if(rx_flag & 2)
rx_flag ^= 2;
unprint((char*)SI4432_RxBUFF, SI4432_RxCount);
statebuf[15] = SPI_Read(0x02);
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