
2019-07-14 23:51发布

本人用mdk想下个mp3软解码的程试试,但是mdk编译.s文件总是出错,上网找原因一直没有找到,求指导!!!compiling STM32f10x_it.c...
../stm32f10x_it.c(594): warning:  #188-D: enumerated type mixed with another type
../stm32f10x_it.c(596): warning:  #188-D: enumerated type mixed with another type
../stm32f10x_it.c(598): warning:  #188-D: enumerated type mixed with another type
compiling main.c...
../main.c(53): warning:  #188-D: enumerated type mixed with another type
../main.c(54): warning:  #188-D: enumerated type mixed with another type
../main.c(59): warning:  #188-D: enumerated type mixed with another type
../main.c(475): warning:  #188-D: enumerated type mixed with another type
../main.c(481): warning:  #188-D: enumerated type mixed with another type
../main.c(546): warning:  #111-D: statement is unreachable
compiling sdcard.c...
compiling stm32f10x_adc.c...
compiling stm32f10x_bkp.c...
compiling stm32f10x_can.c...
compiling stm32f10x_crc.c...
compiling stm32f10x_dac.c...
compiling stm32f10x_dbgmcu.c...
compiling stm32f10x_dma.c...
compiling stm32f10x_exti.c...
compiling stm32f10x_flash.c...
compiling stm32f10x_fsmc.c...
compiling stm32f10x_gpio.c...
compiling stm32f10x_i2c.c...
compiling stm32f10x_iwdg.c...
compiling stm32f10x_lib.c...
compiling stm32f10x_nvic.c...
compiling stm32f10x_pwr.c...
compiling stm32f10x_rcc.c...
compiling stm32f10x_rtc.c...
compiling stm32f10x_sdio.c...
compiling stm32f10x_spi.c...
compiling stm32f10x_systick.c...
compiling stm32f10x_tim.c...
compiling stm32f10x_usart.c...
compiling stm32f10x_wwdg.c...
assembling cortexm3_macro.s...
assembling stm32f10x_vector.s...
compiling mp3dec.c...
compiling mp3tabs.c...
compiling bitstream.c...
compiling buffers.c...
compiling dct32.c...
compiling dequant.c...
compiling dqchan.c...
../../Mp3Lib_for_ARM/real/dqchan.c(248): warning:  #550-D: variable "cbStartL" was set but never used
compiling huffman.c...
../../Mp3Lib_for_arm/real/huffman.c(386): warning:  #550-D: variable "sfi" was set but never used
compiling hufftabs.c...
compiling imdct.c...
compiling scalfact.c...
../../Mp3Lib_for_arm/real/scalfact.c(211): warning:  #550-D: variable "iipTest" was set but never used
compiling stproc.c...
compiling subband.c...
../../Mp3Lib_for_arm/real/subband.c(63): warning:  #550-D: variable "hi" was set but never used
compiling trigtabs.c...
assembling asmpoly_thumb2.s...
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmpoly_thumb2.s(1): error: A1163E: Unknown opcode cortex-m3 , expecting opcode or Macro
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmpoly_thumb2.s(2): error: A1163E: Unknown opcode softvfp , expecting opcode or Macro
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmpoly_thumb2.s(3): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmpoly_thumb2.s(4): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmpoly_thumb2.s(5): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmpoly_thumb2.s(7): error: A1163E: Unknown opcode PCM , expecting opcode or Macro
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmpoly_thumb2.s(8): error: A1355U: A Label was found which was in no AREA
assembling asmmisc.s...
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(1): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(2): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(3): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(4): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(5): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(6): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(7): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(8): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(9): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(10): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(11): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(12): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(13): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(14): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(15): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(16): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(17): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(18): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(19): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(20): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(21): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(22): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(23): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(24): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(25): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(26): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(27): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(28): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(29): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(30): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(31): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(32): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(33): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(34): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(37): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(38): error: A1163E: Unknown opcode int , expecting opcode or Macro
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(39): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(41): error: A1163E: Unknown opcode cortex-m3 , expecting opcode or Macro
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(42): error: A1163E: Unknown opcode softvfp , expecting opcode or Macro
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(43): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(44): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(45): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(47): error: A1137E: Unexpected characters at end of line
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(48): error: A1137E: Unexpected characters at end of line
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(49): error: A1163E: Unknown opcode xmp3_MULSHIFT32: , expecting opcode or Macro
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(50): error: A1105E: Area directive missing
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(50): warning: A1088W: Faking declaration of area AREA |$$$$$$$|
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(51): error: A1167E: Invalid line start
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(56): error: A1137E: Unexpected characters at end of line
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(57): error: A1137E: Unexpected characters at end of line
....Mp3Lib_for_arm ealarmasmmisc.s(58): error: A1163E: Unknown opcode xmp3_FASTABS: , expecting opcode or Macro
compiling diskio.c...
compiling ff.c...
Target not created

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