
2019-07-15 07:47发布

void timer_config(void)
     /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     TIMER1 configuration: generate 3 PWM signals with 3 different duty cycles:
     TIMER1CLK is 1MHz

     TIMER1 channel1 duty cycle = (4000/ 16000)* 100  = 25%
     TIMER1 channel2 duty cycle = (8000/ 16000)* 100  = 50%
     TIMER1 channel3 duty cycle = (12000/ 16000)* 100 = 75%
     ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     timer_oc_parameter_struct timer_ocintpara;
     timer_parameter_struct timer_initpara;



     /* TIMER1 configuration */
#ifdef GD32F330
     timer_initpara.prescaler         = 83;
#endif /* GD32F330 */
#ifdef GD32F350
     timer_initpara.prescaler         = 107;
#endif /* GD32F350 */
     timer_initpara.alignedmode       = TIMER_COUNTER_EDGE;
     timer_initpara.counterdirection  = TIMER_COUNTER_UP;
     timer_initpara.period            = 15999;
     timer_initpara.clockdivision     = TIMER_CKDIV_DIV1;
     timer_initpara.repetitioncounter = 0;

     /* CH1,CH2 and CH3 configuration in PWM mode0 */
     timer_ocintpara.ocpolarity  = TIMER_OC_POLARITY_HIGH;
     timer_ocintpara.outputstate = TIMER_CCX_ENABLE;



     /* auto-reload preload enable */
     /* auto-reload preload enable */

void gpio_config(void)
     /*Configure PB3 PB10 PB11(TIMER1 CH1 CH2 CH3) as alternate function*/
     gpio_mode_set(GPIOB, GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO_PIN_3);
     gpio_output_options_set(GPIOB, GPIO_OTYPE_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_50MHZ,GPIO_PIN_3);

    gpio_af_set(GPIOB, GPIO_AF_2, GPIO_PIN_3);

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