/* --- STC MCU Limited ---------------------------------------------*/
/* --- STC12C5Axx Series MCU UART2 (8-bit/9-bit)Demo ---------------*/
/* --- Mobile: (86)13922805190 -------------------------------------*/
/* --- Fax: 86-0513-55012956,55012947,55012969 ---------------------*/
/* --- Tel: 86-0513-55012928,55012929,55012966----------------------*/
/* --- Web: www.STCMCU.com -----------------------------------------*/
/* --- Web: www.GXWMCU.com -----------------------------------------*/
/* If you want to use the program or the program referenced in the */
/* article, please specify in which data and procedures from STC */
#include "reg51.h"
#include "intrins.h"
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
typedef unsigned int WORD;
#define FOSC 11059200L //System frequency
#define BAUD 115200 //UART baudrate
BRT = -(FOSC/32/BAUD); //Set auto-reload vaule of baudrate generator
AUXR = 0x14; //Baudrate generator work in 1T mode
IE2 = 0x01; //Enable UART2 interrupt
EA = 1; //Open master interrupt switch
Uart2 Test !
UART2 interrupt service routine
void Uart2() interrupt 8 using 1
if (S2CON & S2RI)
S2CON &= ~S2RI; //Clear receive interrupt flag
P0 = S2BUF; //P0 show UART data
P2 = (S2CON & S2RB8);//P2.2 show parity bit
if (S2CON & S2TI)
S2CON &= ~S2TI; //Clear transmit interrupt flag
busy = 0; //Clear transmit busy flag
Send a byte data to UART
Input: dat (data to be sent)
void SendData(BYTE dat)
while (busy); //Wait for the completion of the previous data is sent
ACC = dat; //Calculate the even parity bit P (PSW.0)
if (P) //Set the parity bit according to P
S2CON &= ~S2TB8; //Set parity bit to 0
S2CON |= S2TB8; //Set parity bit to 1
S2CON |= S2TB8; //Set parity bit to 1
S2CON &= ~S2TB8; //Set parity bit to 0
busy = 1;
S2BUF = ACC; //Send data to UART2 buffer
Send a string to UART
Input: s (address of string)
void SendString(char *s)
while (*s) //Check the end of the string
SendData(*s++); //Send current char and increment string ptr
/* --- STC MCU Limited ---------------------------------------------*/
/* --- STC12C5Axx Series MCU UART2 (8-bit/9-bit)Demo ---------------*/
/* --- Mobile: (86)13922805190 -------------------------------------*/
/* --- Fax: 86-0513-55012956,55012947,55012969 ---------------------*/
/* --- Tel: 86-0513-55012928,55012929,55012966----------------------*/
/* --- Web: www.STCMCU.com -----------------------------------------*/
/* --- Web: www.GXWMCU.com -----------------------------------------*/
/* If you want to use the program or the program referenced in the */
/* article, please specify in which data and procedures from STC */
#include "reg51.h"
#include "intrins.h"
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
typedef unsigned int WORD;
#define FOSC 11059200L //System frequency
#define BAUD 115200 //UART baudrate
/*Define UART parity mode*/
#define NONE_PARITY 0 //None parity
#define ODD_PARITY 1 //Odd parity
#define EVEN_PARITY 2 //Even parity
#define MARK_PARITY 3 //Mark parity
#define SPACE_PARITY 4 //Space parity
#define PARITYBIT EVEN_PARITY //Testing even parity
/*Declare SFR associated with the UART2 */
sfr AUXR = 0x8e; //Auxiliary register
sfr S2CON = 0x9a; //UART2 control register
sfr S2BUF = 0x9b; //UART2 data buffer
sfr BRT = 0x9c; //Baudrate generator
sfr IE2 = 0xaf; //Interrupt control 2
#define S2RI 0x01 //S2CON.0
#define S2TI 0x02 //S2CON.1
#define S2RB8 0x04 //S2CON.2
#define S2TB8 0x08 //S2CON.3
bit busy;
void SendData(BYTE dat);
void SendString(char *s);
void main()
S2CON = 0x50; //8-bit variable UART
S2CON = 0xda; //9-bit variable UART, parity bit initial to 1
S2CON = 0xd2; //9-bit variable UART, parity bit initial to 0
BRT = -(FOSC/32/BAUD); //Set auto-reload vaule of baudrate generator
AUXR = 0x14; //Baudrate generator work in 1T mode
IE2 = 0x01; //Enable UART2 interrupt
EA = 1; //Open master interrupt switch
SendString("STC12C5A60S2 Uart2 Test ! ");
UART2 interrupt service routine
void Uart2() interrupt 8 using 1
if (S2CON & S2RI)
S2CON &= ~S2RI; //Clear receive interrupt flag
P0 = S2BUF; //P0 show UART data
P2 = (S2CON & S2RB8);//P2.2 show parity bit
if (S2CON & S2TI)
S2CON &= ~S2TI; //Clear transmit interrupt flag
busy = 0; //Clear transmit busy flag
Send a byte data to UART
Input: dat (data to be sent)
void SendData(BYTE dat)
while (busy); //Wait for the completion of the previous data is sent
ACC = dat; //Calculate the even parity bit P (PSW.0)
if (P) //Set the parity bit according to P
S2CON &= ~S2TB8; //Set parity bit to 0
S2CON |= S2TB8; //Set parity bit to 1
S2CON |= S2TB8; //Set parity bit to 1
S2CON &= ~S2TB8; //Set parity bit to 0
busy = 1;
S2BUF = ACC; //Send data to UART2 buffer
Send a string to UART
Input: s (address of string)
void SendString(char *s)
while (*s) //Check the end of the string
SendData(*s++); //Send current char and increment string ptr
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