Singing Tesla Coil (会唱歌的特斯拉线圈)

2019-07-15 14:49发布

大家好,我是埃塞克斯大学一名大二的电子工程学生,最近我选好了第三年的个人研究项目,叫Singing Tesla Coil(会唱歌的特斯拉线圈).  【 Project Description:Using solid state electronics, the purpose of this project is to modulate a small Tesla coil with the audio output from an ipod or similar device. The sparks 'dance' in sympathy with the input sound creating an unusual and entertaining effect. The device has applications for shows, discos and pop/rock bands and a commercial offering is encouraged.】论坛里有谁对特斯拉理论有见解或者是有这方面知识的朋友们,我想请教请教你们这方面的知识,谢谢。 QQ截图20160308002529.jpg

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