Error (204012): Can't generate netlist output files because the file"F:/sig2/pci_wizard-library/pcimt32_pk.tdf" is an OpenCore Plustime-limited fileError (204009): Can't generate netlist output files because the licensefor encrypted file "F:/sig2/pci_wizard-library/pcimt32_pk.tdf" is notavailable。上网查了一下解决方案,说是关闭EDA工具,但是并没有什么用。是不是我的破解有问题,这样算破解成功了吗?
You may see this error when compiling your design using the Quartus® II software if your design contains one or more unlicensed cores operating in OpenCore Plus mode and you have enabled an EDA simulation tool in your Quartus II project.
Workaround / Fix
To avoid this error, disable the EDA simulation tool in your project by opening the Settings dialog box from the Quartus II Assignments menu. Select the category EDA Tool Settings and the subcategory Simulation. On the Simulation page of the Settings dialog box, change the Tool name option to <None>.
Error (199067): Quartus II software currently does not support the generation of timing analysis netlists for Cyclone IV E device family
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