刚入手的MSP430F5529连载电脑上没法用,但在设备管理器上显示有 MSP APPLICATION UART1 (COM9) 和 MSP Debug Interface (COM9)这两个端口,更新驱动程序也显示为最新版本,到TI官网上找5529的资料查到
Features of the eZ-FET lite:
• USB debugging and programming interface
• No need to install a driver on the host Windows or Linux PC – it loads silently
• Application ("backchannel UART") virtual COM port connection with the host, over USB, up to 1 Mbaud
• LEDs for visual feedback
• Field-updateable firmware
• Supports almost all MSP430 devices
Hardware and software requirements
• PC with Windows or Linux
• MSP430.DLL or higher
Fatal error:Failed to initialized device.
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嗯 好的 谢谢 这样其他人遇到类似问题 也知道如何解决了
也是一个收获呀 ,下次遇到类似问题就是经验啦
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