2019-07-16 01:27发布
shangwfa 发表于 2013-7-29 23:48 没有任何关系,键盘的时钟是我们采集键盘数据输出的依据
主宰自己 发表于 2013-7-30 12:32 不用管他,板子上有,你直接在顶层模块输入键盘时钟就好了
shangwfa 发表于 2013-8-28 12:28 当然有用了,可以用于键盘的解码
- <DIV class=blockcode>
- use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
- entity ps2 is
- port (resetn: in std_logic; -- active low reset
- clock: in std_logic; -- system clock
- ps2_clk: in std_logic; -- PS/2 clock line
- ps2_dta: in std_logic; -- PS/2 data line
- hit_1: out std_logic;
- ascii: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); -- LED outputs
- end ps2;
- architecture behavioral of ps2 is
- type state_type is (IDLE, START, DATA, PARITY); -- FSM states
- signal ps2_dv: std_logic; -- PS/2 data valid
- signal prv_ps2_clk, act_ps2_clk: std_logic; -- auxiliary signals
- signal recdata: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- read data
- signal shift: std_logic; -- enable for shift reg.
- signal n_shift: std_logic; -- auxiliary signal
- signal latch: std_logic; -- latch read data
- signal n_latch: std_logic; -- auxiliary signal
- signal err: std_logic; -- parity or stop error
- signal n_err: std_logic; -- auxiliary signal
- signal parset: std_logic; -- preset for parity check
- signal n_parset: std_logic; -- auxiliary signal
- signal c_state, n_state: state_type; -- current & next states
- signal cntval: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- counter of data bits
- signal zero: std_logic; -- counter is zero
- signal parbit: std_logic; -- odd parity of data
- signal leds:std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- signal hit_cnt:std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
- signal hit:std_logic;
- begin
- -- Provides a one-shot pulse after every falling edge of PS/2 clock
- PS_CLK_SYNC: process(clock, resetn)
- begin
- if (resetn = '0') then
- prv_ps2_clk <= '1';
- act_ps2_clk <= '1';
- elsif (clock'event and clock = '1') then
- act_ps2_clk <= ps2_clk;
- prv_ps2_clk <= act_ps2_clk;
- end if;
- end process;
- ps2_dv <= (not act_ps2_clk) and prv_ps2_clk;
- -- Serial input, parallel output shift register
- SIPO: process(clock, resetn)
- begin
- if (resetn = '0') then
- recdata <= (others => '0');
- elsif (clock'event and clock = '1') then
- if (shift = '1') then
- recdata <= ps2_dta & recdata(7 downto 1);
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- -- Counter of data bits
- COUNT8: process(resetn, clock)
- begin
- if (resetn = '0') then
- cntval <= (others => '0');
- elsif (clock'event and clock = '1') then
- if (shift = '1') then
- cntval <= cntval + 1;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- zero <= not (cntval(0) or cntval(1) or cntval(2));
- -- Parity check of received data
- PARITY_CHECK: process(clock, parset)
- begin
- if (parset = '1') then
- parbit <= '1';
- elsif (clock'event and clock = '1') then
- if (shift = '1' and ps2_dta = '1') then
- parbit <= not parbit;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- -- Synchronous process of control state machine
- FSM_SYNC: process(clock, resetn)
- begin
- if (resetn = '0') then
- c_state <= IDLE;
- shift <= '0';
- latch <= '0';
- err <= '0';
- parset <= '1';
- elsif (clock'event and clock = '1') then
- c_state <= n_state;
- shift <= n_shift;
- latch <= n_latch;
- err <= n_err;
- parset <= n_parset;
- end if;
- end process;
- -- Combinatorial process of control state machine
- FSM_COMB: process(c_state, ps2_dv, ps2_dta, zero)
- begin -- default values
- n_shift <= '0';
- n_latch <= '0';
- n_err <= '0';
- n_parset <= '0';
- case c_state is -- wait to receive data
- when IDLE => if ((ps2_dv and (not ps2_dta)) = '1') then
- n_state <= START;
- n_parset <= '1';
- else
- n_state <= IDLE;
- end if;
- -- receive first data bit
- when START => if (ps2_dv = '0') then
- n_state <= START;
- else
- n_state <= DATA;
- n_shift <= '1';
- end if;
- -- receive remaining data bits and parity
- when DATA => if (ps2_dv = '0') then
- n_state <= DATA;
- elsif (zero = '0') then
- n_state <= DATA;
- n_shift <= '1';
- else
- n_state <= PARITY;
- if (parbit /= ps2_dta) then
- n_err <= '1';
- end if;
- end if;
- -- receive stop bit
- when PARITY => if (ps2_dv = '0') then
- n_state <= PARITY;
- else
- n_state <= IDLE;
- n_latch <= '1';
- n_err <= not ps2_dta;
- end if;
- end case;
- end process;
- -- Output latch
- LED_OUTPUTS: process(resetn, clock)
- begin
- if (resetn = '0') then
- leds <= (others => '1');
- elsif (clock'event and clock = '1') then
- if (err = '1') then
- leds <= (others => '1');
- elsif (latch = '1') then
- leds <= recdata;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- PROCESS(leds)
- case leds is
- when "01000101"=> ascii <= "00110000"; hit<='1'; --0
- when "00010110"=> ascii <= "00110001"; hit<='1'; --1
- when "00011110"=> ascii <= "00110010"; hit<='1'; --2
- when "00100110"=> ascii <= "00110011"; hit<='1'; --3
- when "00100101"=> ascii <= "00110100"; hit<='1'; --4
- when "00101110"=> ascii <= "00110101"; hit<='1'; --5
- when "00110110"=> ascii <= "00110110"; hit<='1'; --6
- when "00111101"=> ascii <= "00110111"; hit<='1'; --7
- when "00111110"=> ascii <= "00111000"; hit<='1'; --8
- when "01000110"=> ascii <= "00111001"; hit<='1'; --9
- when "00011100"=> ascii <= "01100001"; hit<='1'; --a
- when "00110010"=> ascii <= "01100010"; hit<='1'; --b
- when "00100001"=> ascii <= "01100011"; hit<='1'; --c
- when "00100011"=> ascii <= "01100100"; hit<='1'; --d
- when "00100100"=> ascii <= "01100101"; hit<='1'; --e
- when "00101011"=> ascii <= "01100110"; hit<='1'; --f
- when "00110100"=> ascii <= "01100111"; hit<='1'; --g
- when "00110011"=> ascii <= "01101000"; hit<='1'; --h
- when "01000011"=> ascii <= "01101001"; hit<='1'; --i
- when "00111011"=> ascii <= "01101010"; hit<='1'; --j
- when "01000010"=> ascii <= "01101011"; hit<='1'; --k
- when "01001011"=> ascii <= "01101100"; hit<='1'; --l
- when "00111010"=> ascii <= "01101101"; hit<='1'; --m
- when "00110001"=> ascii <= "01101110"; hit<='1'; --n
- when "01000100"=> ascii <= "01101111"; hit<='1'; --o
- when "01001101"=> ascii <= "01110000"; hit<='1'; --p
- when "00010101"=> ascii <= "01110001"; hit<='1'; --q
- when "00101101"=> ascii <= "01110010"; hit<='1'; --r
- when "00011011"=> ascii <= "01110011"; hit<='1'; --s
- when "00101100"=> ascii <= "01110100"; hit<='1'; --t
- when "00111100"=> ascii <= "01110101"; hit<='1'; --u
- when "00101010"=> ascii <= "01110110"; hit<='1'; --v
- when "00011101"=> ascii <= "01110111"; hit<='1'; --w
- when "00100010"=> ascii <= "01111000"; hit<='1'; --x
- when "00110101"=> ascii <= "01111001"; hit<='1'; --y
- when "00011010"=> ascii <= "01111010"; hit<='1'; --z
- when "00111001"=> ascii <= "00100000"; hit<='1'; --spacebar
- when "01100110"=> ascii <= "00100000"; hit<='1'; --backspace
- when "01110001"=> ascii <= "11100000"; hit<='1'; --del
- when others => ascii <= "00100000"; hit<='0'; --' ' for unlisted characters.
- end case;
- if hit='1' then
- if hit_cnt="111111111" then
- hit_1<='1';
- hit_cnt<="000000000";
- else
- hit_cnt<=hit_cnt+1;
- end if;
- else
- hit_1<=hit;
- end if;
- end behavioral;
复制代码这个程序里的 if (resetn = '0') thenprv_ps2_clk <= '1';
act_ps2_clk <= '1';
elsif (clock'event and clock = '1') then
act_ps2_clk <= ps2_clk;
prv_ps2_clk <= act_ps2_clk;
end if;
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