各位大神们帮帮忙啊 看看这写的是什么东西 找错误(主要的错误和次要的错误)并更正~研究了N久了就是看不明白啊 附件里有文件
module dcpu16_alu (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
f_dto, g_dto, rwd, regR, regO, CC,
// Inputs
regA, regB, opc, clk, rst, ena, pha
output [15:0] f_dto,
output [15:0] regR,
output CC;
input [15:0] regA,
input [3:0] opc;
input clk,
input [1:0] pha;
wire [15:0] src, // a
tgt; // b
// Beginning of automa
tic regs (for this module's undeclared outputs)
reg CC;
reg [15:0] regO;
reg [15:0] regR;
// End of automatics
reg c;
reg [15:0] add;
reg [33:0] mul;
reg [31:0] shl,
assign f_dto = regR;
assign g_dto = regR;
assign rwd = regR;
assign src = regA;
assign tgt = regB;
// adder
always @(/*AUTOSENSE*/opc or src or tgt) begin
{c,add} <= (~opc[0]) ? (src + tgt) : (src - tgt);
mul <= {1'b0,src} * {1'b0,tgt};
shl <= src << tgt;
shr <= src >> tgt;
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst) begin
// Beginning of autoreset for uninitialized flops
CC <= 1'h0;
regO <= 16'h0;
regR <= 16'h0;
// End of automatics
end else if (ena) begin
// 0x1: SET a, b - sets a to b
// 0x2: ADD a, b - sets a to a+b, sets O to 0x0001 if there's an overflow, 0x0 otherwise
// 0x3: SUB a, b - sets a to a-b, sets O to 0xffff if there's an underflow, 0x0 otherwise
// 0x4: MUL a, b - sets a to a*b, sets O to ((a*b)>>16)&0xffff
// 0x5: DIV a, b - sets a to a/b, sets O to ((a<<16)/b)&0xffff. if b==0, sets a and O to 0 instead.
// 0x6: MOD a, b - sets a to a%b. if b==0, sets a to 0 instead.
// 0x7: SHL a, b - sets a to a<<b, sets O to ((a<<b)>>16)&0xffff
// 0x8: SHR a, b - sets a to a>>b, sets O to ((a<<16)>>b)&0xffff
// 0x9: AND a, b - sets a to a&b
// 0xa: BOR a, b - sets a to a|b
// 0xb: XOR a, b - sets a to a^b
if (pha == 2'o0)
case (opc)
4'h2: regO <= {15'd0,c};
4'h3: regO <= {(16){c}};
4'h4: regO <= mul[31:16];
4'h7: regO <= shl[31:16];
4'h8: regO <= shr[15:0];
default: regO <= regO;
endcase // case (opc)
if (pha == 2'o0)
case (opc)
4'h0: regR <= src;
4'h1: regR <= tgt;
4'h2: regR <= add;
4'h3: regR <= add;
4'h4: regR <= mul[15:0];
4'h7: regR <= shl[15:0];
4'h8: regR <= shr[31:16];
4'h9: regR <= src & tgt;
4'hA: regR <= src | tgt;
4'hB: regR <= src ^ tgt;
default: regR <= 16'hX;
endcase // case (opc)
if (pha == 2'o0)
case (opc)
4'h0: {regO, regR} <= {regO, src};
// 0x1: SET a, b - sets a to b
4'h1: {regO, regR} <= {regO, tgt};
// 0x2: ADD a, b - sets a to a+b, sets O to 0x0001 if there's an overflow, 0x0 otherwise
// 0x3: SUB a, b - sets a to a-b, sets O to 0xffff if there's an underflow, 0x0 otherwise
// 0x4: MUL a, b - sets a to a*b, sets O to ((a*b)>>16)&0xffff
// 0x5: DIV a, b - sets a to a/b, sets O to ((a<<16)/b)&0xffff. if b==0, sets a and O to 0 instead.
// 0x6: MOD a, b - sets a to a%b. if b==0, sets a to 0 instead.
4'h2, 4'h3: {regO, regR} <= (opc[0]) ?
{{(16){c}},as} :
4'h4: {regO, regR} <= {1'b0,src} * {1'b0,tgt}; // force 17x17 unsigned
// 0x7: SHL a, b - sets a to a<<b, sets O to ((a<<b)>>16)&0xffff
// 0x8: SHR a, b - sets a to a>>b, sets O to ((a<<16)>>b)&0xffff
4'h7: {regO, regR} <= src << tgt;
4'h8: {regR, regO} <= {src,16'h0} >> tgt;
// 0x9: AND a, b - sets a to a&b
// 0xa: BOR a, b - sets a to a|b
// 0xb: XOR a, b - sets a to a^b
4'h9: {regO, regR} <= {regO, src & tgt};
4'hA: {regO, regR} <= {regO, src | tgt};
4'hB: {regO, regR} <= {regO, src ^ tgt};
default: {regO, regR} <= {regO, 16'hX};
endcase // case (opc)
// 0xc: IFE a, b - performs next instruction only if a==b
// 0xd: IFN a, b - performs next instruction only if a!=b
// 0xe: IFG a, b - performs next instruction only if a>b
// 0xf: IFB a, b - performs next instruction only if (a&b)!=0
if (pha == 2'o0)
case (opc)
4'hC: CC <= (src == tgt);
4'hD: CC <= (src != tgt);
4'hE: CC <= (src > tgt);
4'hF: CC <= |(src & tgt);
default: CC <= 1'b1;
endcase // case (opc)
endmodule // dcpu16_alu
Consists of the following stages:
- Fetch (FE): fetches instructions from the FBUS.
- Decode (DE): decodes instructions.
- EA A (EA) : calculates EA for A
- EA B (EB) : calculates EA for B
- Load A (LA): loads operand A from ABUS.
- Load B (LB): loads operand B from ABUS.
- Execute (EX): performs the ALU operation.
- Save A (SA): saves operand A to the FBUS.
0| 1| 2| 3| 0| 1| 2| 3| 0| 1| 2| 3
// 775@155
// 692@159
// 685@160
// 603@138
// 573@138
// 508@141
// 502@149
// 712@153
// 679@162
module dcpu16_cpu (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
g_wre, g_stb, g_dto, g_adr, f_wre, f_stb, f_dto, f_adr,
// Inputs
rst, g_dti, g_ack, f_dti, f_ack, clk
// Beginning of automatic outputs (from unused autoinst outputs)
output [15:0] f_adr; // From m0 of dcpu16_mbus.v
output [15:0] f_dto; // From x0 of dcpu16_alu.v
output f_stb; // From m0 of dcpu16_mbus.v
output f_wre; // From m0 of dcpu16_mbus.v
output [15:0] g_adr; // From m0 of dcpu16_mbus.v
output [15:0] g_dto; // From x0 of dcpu16_alu.v
output g_stb; // From m0 of dcpu16_mbus.v
output g_wre; // From m0 of dcpu16_mbus.v
// End of automatics
// Beginning of automatic inputs (from unused autoinst inputs)
input clk; // To c0 of dcpu16_ctl.v, ...
input f_ack; // To c0 of dcpu16_ctl.v, ...
input [15:0] f_dti; // To c0 of dcpu16_ctl.v, ...
input g_ack; // To m0 of dcpu16_mbus.v
input [15:0] g_dti; // To m0 of dcpu16_mbus.v
input rst; // To c0 of dcpu16_ctl.v, ...
// End of automatics
// Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs)
wire CC; // From x0 of dcpu16_alu.v
wire bra; // From c0 of dcpu16_ctl.v
wire ena; // From m0 of dcpu16_mbus.v
wire [15:0] ireg; // From c0 of dcpu16_ctl.v
wire [3:0] opc; // From c0 of dcpu16_ctl.v
wire [1:0] pha; // From c0 of dcpu16_ctl.v
wire [15:0] regA; // From m0 of dcpu16_mbus.v
wire [15:0] regB; // From m0 of dcpu16_mbus.v
wire [15:0] regO; // From x0 of dcpu16_alu.v
wire [15:0] regR; // From x0 of dcpu16_alu.v
wire [2:0] rra; // From c0 of dcpu16_ctl.v
wire [15:0] rrd; // From r0 of dcpu16_regs.v
wire [2:0] rwa; // From c0 of dcpu16_ctl.v
wire [15:0] rwd; // From x0 of dcpu16_alu.v
wire rwe; // From c0 of dcpu16_ctl.v
wire wpc; // From m0 of dcpu16_mbus.v
// End of automatics
c0 (/*AUTOINST*/
// Outputs
.ireg (ireg[15:0]),
.pha (pha[1:0]),
.opc (opc[3:0]),
.rra (rra[2:0]),
.rwa (rwa[2:0]),
.rwe (rwe),
.bra (bra),
// Inputs
.CC (CC),
.wpc (wpc),
.f_dti (f_dti[15:0]),
.f_ack (f_ack),
.clk (clk),
.ena (ena),
.rst (rst));
m0 (/*AUTOINST*/
// Outputs
.g_adr (g_adr[15:0]),
.g_stb (g_stb),
.g_wre (g_wre),
.f_adr (f_adr[15:0]),
.f_stb (f_stb),
.f_wre (f_wre),
.ena (ena),
.wpc (wpc),
.regA (regA[15:0]),
.regB (regB[15:0]),
// Inputs
.g_dti (g_dti[15:0]),
.g_ack (g_ack),
.f_dti (f_dti[15:0]),
.f_ack (f_ack),
.bra (bra),
.CC (CC),
.regR (regR[15:0]),
.rrd (rrd[15:0]),
.ireg (ireg[15:0]),
.regO (regO[15:0]),
.pha (pha[1:0]),
.clk (clk),
.rst (rst));
x0 (/*AUTOINST*/
// Outputs
.f_dto (f_dto[15:0]),
.g_dto (g_dto[15:0]),
.rwd (rwd[15:0]),
.regR (regR[15:0]),
.regO (regO[15:0]),
.CC (CC),
// Inputs
.regA (regA[15:0]),
.regB (regB[15:0]),
.opc (opc[3:0]),
.clk (clk),
.rst (rst),
.ena (ena),
.pha (pha[1:0]));
r0 (/*AUTOINST*/
// Outputs
.rrd (rrd[15:0]),
// Inputs
.rwd (rwd[15:0]),
.rra (rra[2:0]),
.rwa (rwa[2:0]),
.rwe (rwe),
.rst (rst),
.ena (ena),
.clk (clk));
endmodule // dcpu16
module dcpu16_ctl (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
ireg, pha, opc, rra, rwa, rwe, bra,
// Inputs
CC, wpc, f_dti, f_ack, clk, ena, rst
output [15:0] ireg;
output [1:0] pha;
// shared
output [3:0] opc;
output [2:0] rra,
output rwe;
output bra;
input CC;
input wpc;
input [15:0] f_dti;
input f_ack;
// system
input clk,
// Beginning of automatic regs (for this module's undeclared outputs)
reg bra;
reg [15:0] ireg;
reg [3:0] opc;
reg [1:0] pha;
reg [2:0] rra;
reg [2:0] rwa;
reg rwe;
// End of automatics
// repeated decoder
wire [5:0] decA, decB;
wire [3:0] decO;
assign {decB, decA, decO} = ireg;
wire nop = 16'd1; // NOP = SET A, A
wire _skp = (decO == 4'h0);
wire Fbra = (ireg[4:0] == 5'h10);
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst) begin
// Beginning of autoreset for uninitialized flops
pha <= 2'h0;
// End of automatics
end else if (ena) begin
pha <= pha + 1;
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst) begin
// Beginning of autoreset for uninitialized flops
ireg <= 16'h0;
opc <= 4'h0;
// End of automatics
end else if (ena) begin
case (pha)
2'o2: ireg <= (wpc | Fbra) ? nop : f_dti; // latch instruction only on PHA2
default: ireg <= ireg;
endcase // case (pha)
case (pha)
2'o2: opc <= ireg[3:0];
default: opc <= opc;
endcase // case (pha)
reg _bra;
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst) begin
// Beginning of autoreset for uninitialized flops
_bra <= 1'h0;
bra <= 1'h0;
// End of automatics
end else if (ena) begin
case (pha)
2'o0: {bra, _bra} <= {_bra & CC, (ireg[5:0] == 5'h10)};
default: {bra, _bra} <= {1'b0, _bra};
endcase // case (pha)
reg [2:0] _rwa;
reg _rwe;
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst) begin
// Beginning of autoreset for uninitialized flops
_rwa <= 3'h0;
_rwe <= 1'h0;
rra <= 3'h0;
rwa <= 3'h0;
rwe <= 1'h0;
// End of automatics
end else if (ena) begin
case (pha)
2'o3: rra <= decA[2:0];
2'o1: rra <= decA[2:0];
2'o2: rra <= decB[2:0];
2'o0: rra <= decB[2:0];
//default: rra <= 3'oX;
endcase // case (pha)
case (pha)
2'o0: {rwe} <= _rwe & CC & (opc[3:2] != 2'o3);
default: {rwe} <= {1'b0};
endcase // case (pha)
case (pha)
2'o1: {rwa} <= {_rwa};
default: {rwa} <= {rwa};
endcase // case (pha)
case (pha)
2'o0: begin
_rwa <= decA[2:0];
_rwe <= (decA[5:3] == 3'o0) & !_skp;
default: {_rwa, _rwe} <= {_rwa, _rwe};
endcase // case (pha)
endmodule // dcpu16_ctl
module dcpu16_mbus (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
g_adr, g_stb, g_wre, f_adr, f_stb, f_wre, ena, wpc, regA, regB,
// Inputs
g_dti, g_ack, f_dti, f_ack, bra, CC, regR, rrd, ireg, regO, pha,
clk, rst
// Simplified Wishbone
output [15:0] g_adr;
output g_stb,
input [15:0] g_dti;
input g_ack;
// Simplified Wishbone
output [15:0] f_adr;
output f_stb,
input [15:0] f_dti;
input f_ack;
// internal
output ena;
output wpc;
output [15:0] regA,
input bra;
input CC;
input [15:0] regR;
input [15:0] rrd;
input [15:0] ireg;
input [15:0] regO;
input [1:0] pha;
input clk,
// Beginning of automatic regs (for this module's undeclared outputs)
reg [15:0] f_adr;
reg f_stb;
reg f_wre;
reg [15:0] g_adr;
reg g_stb;
reg [15:0] regA;
reg [15:0] regB;
reg wpc;
// End of automatics
reg wsp;
reg [15:0] regSP,
assign ena = (f_stb ~^ f_ack) & (g_stb ~^ g_ack); // pipe stall
// repeated decoder
wire [5:0] decA, decB;
wire [3:0] decO;
assign {decB, decA, decO} = ireg;
0x00-0x07: register (A, B, C, X, Y, Z, I or J, in that order)
0x08-0x0f: [register]
` 0x10-0x17: [next word + register]
0x18: POP / [SP++]
0x19: PEEK / [SP]
0x1a: PUSH / [--SP]
0x1b: SP
0x1c: PC
0x1d: O
0x1e: [next word]
0x1f: next word (literal)
0x20-0x3f: literal value 0x00-0x1f (literal)
// decode EA
wire Fjsr = (ireg [4:0] == 5'h10);
wire [5:0] ed = (pha[0]) ? decB : decA;
wire Eind = (ed[5:3] == 3'o1); // [R]
wire Enwr = (ed[5:3] == 3'o2); // [[PC++] + R]
wire Epop = (ed[5:0] == 6'h18); // [SP++]
wire Epek = (ed[5:0] == 6'h19); // [SP]
wire Epsh = (ed[5:0] == 6'h1A); // [--SP]
wire Ersp = (ed[5:0] == 6'h1B); // SP
wire Erpc = (ed[5:0] == 6'h1C); // PC
wire Erro = (ed[5:0] == 6'h1D); // O
wire Enwi = (ed[5:0] == 6'h1E); // [PC++]
wire Esht = ed[5]; // xXX
wire [5:0] fg = (pha[0]) ? decA : decB;
wire Fdir = (fg[5:3] == 3'o0); // R
wire Find = (fg[5:3] == 3'o1); // [R]
wire Fnwr = (fg[5:3] == 3'o2); // [[PC++] + R]
wire Fspi = (fg[5:0] == 6'h18); // [SP++]
wire Fspr = (fg[5:0] == 6'h19); // [SP]
wire Fspd = (fg[5:0] == 6'h1A); // [--SP]
wire Frsp = (fg[5:0] == 6'h1B); // SP
wire Frpc = (fg[5:0] == 6'h1C); // PC
wire Fnwi = (fg[5:0] == 6'h1E); // [PC++]
wire Fnwl = (fg[5:0] == 6'h1F); // PC++
// PROGRAMME COUNTER - loadable binary up counter
reg [15:0] rpc;
reg lpc;
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst) begin
// Beginning of autoreset for uninitialized flops
regPC <= 16'h0;
wpc <= 1'h0;
// End of automatics
end else if (ena) begin
if (lpc)
regPC <= rpc;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
case (pha)
2'o1: wpc <= Frpc & CC;
default: wpc <= wpc;
endcase // case (pha)
end // if (ena)
always @(/*AUTOSENSE*/Fnwi or Fnwl or Fnwr or bra or pha or regB
or regPC or regR or wpc) begin
case (pha)
2'o1: rpc <= (wpc) ? regR :
(bra) ? regB :
default: rpc <= regPC;
endcase // case (pha)
case (pha)
2'o3: lpc <= ~(Fnwr | Fnwi | Fnwl);
2'o0: lpc <= ~(Fnwr | Fnwi | Fnwl);
2'o1: lpc <= 1'b1;
default: lpc <= 1'b0;
endcase // case (pha)
end // always @ (...
// STACK POINTER - loadable binary up/down counter
reg [15:0] _rSP;
reg lsp;
reg [15:0] rsp;
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst) begin
regSP <= 16'hFFFF;
// Beginning of autoreset for uninitialized flops
_rSP <= 16'h0;
wsp <= 1'h0;
// End of automatics
end else if (ena) begin
_rSP <= regSP; // backup SP
if (lsp) // manipulate SP
regSP <= rsp;
else if (fg[1] | Fjsr)
regSP <= regSP - 1;
regSP <= regSP + 1;
case (pha) // write to SP
2'o1: wsp <= Frsp & CC;
default: wsp <= wsp;
endcase // case (pha)
end // if (ena)
always @(/*AUTOSENSE*/Fjsr or Fspd or Fspi or pha or regR or regSP
or wsp) begin
case (pha)
2'o3: lsp <= ~(Fspi | Fspd | Fjsr);
2'o0: lsp <= ~(Fspi | Fspd);
default: lsp <= 1'b1;
endcase // case (pha)
case (pha)
2'o1: rsp <= (wsp) ? regR :
default: rsp <= regSP;
endcase // case (pha)
end // always @ (...
wire [15:0] nwr = rrd + g_dti; // FIXME: Reduce this and combine with other ALU
reg [15:0] ea,
reg [15:0] ec; // Calculated EA
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst) begin
// Beginning of autoreset for uninitialized flops
ea <= 16'h0;
eb <= 16'h0;
// End of automatics
end else if (ena) begin
case (pha)
2'o0: ea <= (Fjsr) ? regSP : ec;
default: ea <= ea;
endcase // case (pha)
case (pha)
2'o1: eb <= ec;
default: eb <= eb;
endcase // case (pha)
end // if (ena)
always @(/*AUTOSENSE*/Eind or Enwi or Enwr or Epek or Epop or Epsh
or _rSP or g_dti or nwr or regSP or rrd) begin
ec <= (Eind) ? rrd :
(Enwr) ? nwr :
//(Fjsr) ? decSP :
(Epsh) ? regSP :
(Epop | Epek) ? _rSP :
(Enwi) ? g_dti :
// G-BUS
assign g_wre = 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst) begin
// Beginning of autoreset for uninitialized flops
g_adr <= 16'h0;
g_stb <= 1'h0;
// End of automatics
end else if (ena) begin
case (pha)
2'o1: g_adr <= ea;
2'o2: g_adr <= eb;
default: g_adr <= regPC;
endcase // case (pha)
case (pha)
2'o3: g_stb <= Fnwr | Fnwi | Fnwl;
2'o0: g_stb <= Fnwr | Fnwi | Fnwl;
2'o1: g_stb <= Find | Fnwr | Fspr | Fspi | Fspd | Fnwi;
2'o2: g_stb <= Find | Fnwr | Fspr | Fspi | Fspd | Fnwi;
endcase // case (pha)
end // if (ena)
// F-BUS
reg [15:0] _adr;
reg _stb, _wre;
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst) begin
// Beginning of autoreset for uninitialized flops
_adr <= 16'h0;
_stb <= 1'h0;
_wre <= 1'h0;
// End of automatics
end else if (ena) begin
case (pha)
2'o2: begin
_adr <= g_adr;
_stb <= g_stb | Fjsr;
_adr <= _adr;
_stb <= _stb;
endcase // case (pha)
case (pha)
2'o1: _wre <= Find | Fnwr | Fspr | Fspi | Fspd | Fnwi | Fjsr;
default: _wre <= _wre;
endcase // case (pha)
end // if (ena)
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst) begin
// Beginning of autoreset for uninitialized flops
f_adr <= 16'h0;
f_stb <= 1'h0;
f_wre <= 1'h0;
// End of automatics
end else if (ena) begin
case (pha)
2'o1: f_adr <= (wpc) ? regR :
(bra) ? regB :
2'o0: f_adr <= _adr;
default: f_adr <= 16'hX;
endcase // case (pha)
case (pha)
2'o1: {f_stb,f_wre} <= (Fjsr) ? 2'o0 : 2'o2;
2'o0: {f_stb,f_wre} <= {_stb, _wre & CC};
default: {f_stb,f_wre} <= 2'o0;
endcase // case (pha)
end // if (ena)
reg _rd;
reg [15:0] opr;
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst) begin
// Beginning of autoreset for uninitialized flops
_rd <= 1'h0;
// End of automatics
end else if (ena)
case (pha)
2'o1: _rd <= Fdir;
2'o2: _rd <= Fdir;
default: _rd <= 1'b0;
endcase // case (pha)
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst) begin
// Beginning of autoreset for uninitialized flops
regA <= 16'h0;
regB <= 16'h0;
// End of automatics
end else if (ena) begin
case (pha)
2'o0: regA <= opr;
2'o2: regA <= (g_stb) ? g_dti :
(Fjsr) ? regPC :
(_rd) ? rrd :
default: regA <= regA;
endcase // case (pha)
case (pha)
2'o1: regB <= opr;
2'o3: regB <= (g_stb) ? g_dti :
(_rd) ? rrd :
default: regB <= regB;
endcase // case (pha)
end // if (ena)
always @(/*AUTOSENSE*/Erpc or Erro or Ersp or Esht or ed or g_dti
or g_stb or regO or regPC or regSP) begin
opr <= (g_stb) ? g_dti :
(Ersp) ? regSP :
(Erpc) ? regPC :
(Erro) ? regO :
(Esht) ? {11'd0,ed[4:0]} :
endmodule // dcpu16_mbus
module dcpu16_regs (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
// Inputs
rwd, rra, rwa, rwe, rst, ena, clk
output [15:0] rrd; // read data
input [15:0] rwd; // write data
input [2:0] rra, // read address
rwa; // write address
input rwe; // write-enable
input rst,
reg [15:0] file [0:7]; // A, B, C, X, Y, Z, I, J
reg [2:0] r;
assign rrd = file[rra];
always @(posedge clk)
if (ena) begin
r <= rra;
if (rwe) begin
file[rwa] <= rwd;
endmodule // dcpu16_regs
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