ProjectsProject 3a
- Create a VI called Project that has a chart indicator, a graph indicator, and an array indicator on the front panel. The VI should generate random numbers between 0 and 1, plot them on the chart, put them at the end of an array, and plot the array on the graph once all the numbers have been generated. The results should be shown in the array indicator only after all of the points have been generated. The user should be able to control the number of points to generate using a numeric control on the front panel.
Project 3b
- Create a VI called Project The VI should use two VIs to accomplish the following tasks. The first VI, called, should create random numbers between 0 and 100. The user should be able to specify how many numbers should be created. The numbers from the first VI should be passed to a second VI, called, that should filter the numbers. The user should be able to specify a maximum and a minimum value for the filtering. Any numbers greater than the maximum or less than the minimum should be thrown away. Once the numbers have been filtered, they should be sorted in descending order. The results of process VI should be returned to the main VI where they are displayed to the user on a graph.
- Hint: The VI for Project 3a can be reused as the generator VI if its inputs and output are wired to the connector pane.
Project 3cCreatea VI called Project The VI should have a tab pane with three tabs on itsfront panel. The first tab should be labeled
Control. The second tabshould be labeled
Raw Data. The third tab should be labeled
Analysis.The VI should call the Project 3b VI with the number of points, min, and maxparameters specified by the user on the Control pane. The results of the VIshould be shown as an array on the Raw Data pane and as a Graph on the Analysispane.
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